Setting baud rate to 300bd

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Setting baud rate to 300bd

713 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, I have a problem setting the desired baud rate on my FRDM-K64F board, which is connected to my PC via USB/Serial and runs a simple demo application, sending text messages to a putty client on the PC. Everything works as expected (for many different baud rates, e.g. 9600 bd) until I set the baud rate to 300 bd. With this setting only garbage appears in putty (600 bd is OK btw). So I'm wondering whether 300 bd is just not supported by the device? (I also tried running the board with a system clock of 4MHz and 20Mhz)

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490 次查看
Contributor I

The FRDM-K64F board in principle supports 300bd, but not for all settings of the system clock frequency; e.g., at 120MHz a baud rate of 300bd cannot be set. See baud rate calculation in the reference manual.

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490 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Yes, you are correct !  The full baud rate aree supported but not for all system frequency. Customer can use PE to config the BD with different clock frequency.

Best Regards,


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