MQX-Lite does not run after power-cycle

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MQX-Lite does not run after power-cycle

Contributor III

Dear all

I face a very strange problem (at least for me): I just startet to use MQX-Lite OS an o Kinetis L uC ( FDRM Eval-Kit ). The tasks are very simple:

void init_task(uint32_t task_init_data)



    printf( "init_task start\n" );


    _task_create_at( 0, SLEEPTASK_TASK, 0, SleepTask_task_stack, SLEEPTASK_TASK_STACK_SIZE );


void sleep_task(uint32_t task_init_data)


    while(1) {


        printf( "sleep_task start\n" );





Everything runs great if I debug with CodeWarrior - I see the debug output in the console an I see the toggling led on the board. But If I power off the device and repower it - nothing happens. I have to press the reset button to start the program - then is runs great. This was not the case before I used the MQX-Lite OS.

Does anyone know about this issue?

Best regards, Dominic

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2 Replies

Contributor III

Hm, I have some additionl information now:

  • I happens only if I have an RTC _LDD Component which is auto-initialized with enabled interrupt-service/event. This is reproducable.
  • It is the same if I have auto-initialitionon of the RTC_LDD component = no and I call RTC_Init( 0, TRUE ); after PE_low_level_init();
  • It does NOT happen if I have auto-initialitionon of the RTC_LDD component = no and I call RTC_Init( 0, TRUE ); at the beginning of my init_task

Is it not allowed to use auto-initialization of the components or for some components with MQX-Lite ? Is this documented anywhere?

I did setup my project without MQX-Lite in the beginning and just added a MQX component later. I did reproduce this behaviour event with a project generated by the New MQX-Lite project wizard. But is it basically no problem to convert a project to a MQX project by just adding the component or is there anything more to do?

Thank you for any information!

Best regards, Dominic

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Contributor III

It's me once again .. I think I found the solution in this topic:

Is there a problem with the RTC's initialization in Processor Expert?

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