Keaz128 Bareboard Project can NOT boot

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Keaz128 Bareboard Project can NOT boot

Contributor III

Now the Keaz128 was used to design a thermal control board . 

After the program was flash into the board , and power reset , the program can NOT run . 

If run debug , the program can run smoothly . 

What  can I do to find out the issue?

Please help me!

IDE : CodeWarrior 10.7 

Flash Interface: Multilink Universal FX 

Now , what I have done and found( I am not sure  whether this method is correct or not):

1.  Start debug  ,the program is running well.

2.  Power reset the target board , the debugger lost the connection with target board .

3.  Let the debugger to re-connect to the board.

4.  Found the board halt  on Unhandled_ivINT_NMI   interrupt 

     ( in fact the NMI  was disable). 

The  call stack is as the  following:





By the way , there is a strange issue:

  Once the the program was halt , the CodeWarrior  CAN NOT  erase/program the target board , even power reset the board.  

 If  want to make the board can be erase/program again , I must use  IAR to  erase the target .   

Is that CodeWarrior bug?

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2 Replies

Contributor III

Dear Jorge,

Thanks for your reply. 

I found that issue was due to the __copy_rom_section. 

I remove most of the static variable into .rodata  memory section , the device can boot correctly . 

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Kiger Zhange

Are you using your custom hardware? Could you verify the status of your pin in all the process?  The NMI_b pin must not have any capacitance connected to it. Also, this pin has a weak internal pullup, but is a general recommendation an external 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ pullup. Also, could you clarify how you disable the NMI?, you mentioned that NMI was disable but you didn't tell us how you do it.

Best Regards

Jorge Alcala

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