KL27Z128/256 USB DFU & Other Question

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KL27Z128/256 USB DFU & Other Question

Contributor III

Now i am using KL27Z ( FRDM-KL43 EVM )

I have some question as below :

1. We survey USB / DFU Function now , have any AN can teach us how to use this ? Whether i have to download a USB FW then i can use DFU Function ? it's ROM Bootloader device , i don't think i need to download the USB Code first , so we need your help ~ thanks a lot !!

2. We prefer to copy code into RAM , Have any AN show this ? i need full function or Example to use this ~ thanks !!

3. I see the 32 byte Backup register in DS as below , but i haven't see it in RM . And what is this use for ? Have some introduce ? thanks a lot !!


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5 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Well, we do not provide the bootloader based on the MCUXPRESSO.( We had add the "MCU-BOOT" function with several parts within latest MCUXPRESSO, but no KL27.) So for customer who really concern this, we recommend to porting the project from KBOOT to Mcupresso by their own.

MCUXpresso IDE: Importing Kinetis Design Studio Projects | MCU on Eclipse 


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Answer to your questions:

1. Please make reference from below post which is a summary on the Kinetis Bootloader:( See AN4370 )

Kinetis Bootloader 总结 

2. As for the copy code into RAM, I am not sure what IDE are you using?

3. The 32-byte backup register file is for customer critical data that is is powered in all power modes. Also it retains contents during low-voltage detect (LVD) events and is only reset during a power-on reset.

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Contributor III

Dear Fang Li ,


   1. I has already download the code by DFU and make a sequence file as attachment 1. , but , how to modify " 5 sec " in ROM , if no USB / UART / I2C / SPI Detect , go to main API Code , How to modify " 5 sec "  ?

   2. I follow the attachment 2 to Relocate code into ram , it's ok ? it will make code more quickly ? or any other effect ? thanks 

   3.  where can i find it shows in Reference Manual  , its function the same as define a parameter , what is difference between Backup register & unsigned char parameter ? power mode ? or others ? thanks a lot !!

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Contributor III

Dear Fang Li 員工

   1. I provide the ROM Code USB / DFU method to customer , they says that they need customize the Bootloader , not  use ROM Code , ROM Code USB / DFU can't meet their requirements ,

   And they use IDE MCUXpresso , how to build the bootloader with MCUXpresso ? The document didn't use MCUXpresso. 

   Thanks !!

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Contributor III

Dear Fang Li ,

   1. I 'll do this first , any question i will update to you , thanks a lot !!

   2. IDE is MCUXpresso ,Need your help to check this ,  Thanks !!

   3. ok !! thanks !!

       And where can i find it shows in Reference Manual ? Thanks a lot !! 

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