KL26 Bootloader

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KL26 Bootloader

1,772 次查看
Contributor III


This bootloader is also available for KL26?

To have it pre-programmed into flash, I think there's a minimum order quantity, right?

Thank you

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758 次查看
Contributor IV


I know this thread was created a long time ago. However, it's very relevant to what I'm trying to do now.

I'm developing a board using KL26Z and wondering if I can use the bootloader SW support to upgrade the firmware via USB interface?

From all the source of documentation that I've read so far, it seems this bootloader scheme does not support the KL26Z Kinetis family, am I right? Even the Kinetis Bootloader v2.0. does not have it on the list it supports.

Can somebody confirm this ? If so, do we have to develop all the codes from the ground up ? (i.e. bootloader protocol to USB host, reading/writing to flash, etc.).



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758 次查看
Specialist V


KL26 boot-loaders are available here:

Documentation: http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTaskerSerialLoader.PDF

You can choose from USB-MSD, USB-CDC, USB-HID (eg. Kboot), USB-memory stick, SD card or UART (SREC, IHEX, KBOOT, developer's loader) and mix several if desired.



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758 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


The Kinetis Bootloader|Freescale  includes three different bootloaders (same philosophy but different applications):

-RAM based Bootloader (available only in Kinetis with dedicated ROM) for now just the KL03.

-FLASH-Based Flashloader: This is a one-shot flash programming flashloader preprogrammed in new Kinetis devices, is now available in K22 and KV31F devices. You can check the datasheet of one of this two devices a check the information ("Pre-programmed Kinetis flashloader for one-time, in system factory programming").

-Kinetis Bootloader: this is a source code that comes in the package you can download into the Downloads tab in the Kinetis Bootloader site. This includes only support for the Freedom K64. It contains the blhost.exe file and the GUI that is used to download the binary into the device; you can check the information to use within this board in the document http://cache.freescale.com/files/soft_dev_tools/doc/user_guide/K64BTLDRUG.pdf?fasp=1&WT_TYPE=Users%2...

The FLASH-Based bootloader is not pre-programmed into the KL26 devices, just new Kinetis Devices.

Hope this information can help you.



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758 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Customer can check below application notes about KL26 bootloader:

AN2295 Serial bootloader


Related AN2295 Software:


AN4370 USB bootloader


Related AN4370 bootloader software:


The bootloader need be programmed to KL26 flash memory.

Customer can check related document about bootloader software footprint.

Wish it helps.
best regards
Ma Hui

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