K60 NFC command question

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K60 NFC command question

Contributor IV

Hello Support Team,

I am using K60 with NFC interfacing to micron Nand Flash MT29F16G08ABABAWP-IT.  This NAND device has the features that user can select different timing mode.

I used the NFC_LDD and it gave me all the necessary hook to do page read, write, reset, read id, and block erase.

however, it does not give any other command for set/get features (see attachment for definition from Micron).  I can add these supports by myself, but i am a bit confused on how NXP NFC works.  I have a few questions:

1- What does NFC clock has to do with async NAND flash?  Is it being used for internal NFC operation only or it is actually used for NFC IO generation.  If it is, how should user configure it for proper NAND async operation?

2- NFC_CMD2[MODE] (see jpg) defines a sequence of NAND operation.  I can correlate that to the example (see jpg example) for page read, write, reset, block erase.  

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Contributor IV

Sorry, i hit send by accident.

my question is: can use NFC_CMD2[mode bit 8] to send limited amount of data for general purpose or this mode bit 8 is only used for page write?  It seems that the erase block command uses the command byte 2 to send the actual data.  there maybe cases that i want to send 4 bytes of data to configure the NAND, how could i do this?

3- i have 8 NAND chips to interface to.  In this case, i use GPIO to select the NAND.E (CE) input and all R/B are tied together.  My question is during arbitration with the flexbus, would the GPIO pull low on current NAND.CE pin affect the kinetis internal arbitration at all if i would like to have flexbus higher priority than NAND?

4- is there a way to configure that Flexbus always have higher priority than Nand interface?  I read the SIM_SOPT6 register, but this does not tell me about the arbitration priority.  



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Henry,

Please kindly refer to the following for details.

  1. The NFC clock (WE/RE) is generated by nfc internal function clock:

NFC clock = nfc function clock | gate

So when WE/RE is active, it is the same as the nfc function clock.

Users only need to configure the nfc function clock frequency.

  1. You can set NFC_CMD2[8]=1 to send data to Nand Flash, it is not only for page program.

The size of data is defined by SECTOR_SIZE.


The block erase command is 60h+ADDR+D0h (+70h+read status), I don’t see any data output here.

You need to set

CMD_BYTE1=60h, CMD_BYTE2=D0h, and CMD_CODE=16’b0100_1110_1101_1000


If you want to send 4 bytes to Nand Flash, just set NFC_CMD2[8]=1 and SECTOR_SIZE=4.

3. The GPIO has no relation with the NFC module, as well as the arbitration logic, so you have to change the GPIO pin level  by software.

4. Actually NFC is on the master port, and flexbus is on the slave port, so there is no priority comparison between them.

Hope this helps,

Have a great day,

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