Is there a specific driver for virtual com port for KL25Z for Windows 10 OS?

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Is there a specific driver for virtual com port for KL25Z for Windows 10 OS?

Contributor I

I am trying to connect the FRDM KL25Z board to a Windows 10 host laptop. Host system detects the Virtual com port but is not able to write or read from the Opened COM port. The virtual driver inf provided supports upto Windows 7 only. Is there any driver available for Windows 10?

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4 返答(返信)

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Please try with Segger J-Link OpenSDA v1.0 firmware, which works with WIN10.

Customer could download related firmware from here.

Wish it helps.

Have a great day,
Ma Hui
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Contributor I

I don't need SDA firmware. I need the virtual com port driver compatible with FRDM KL25Z board. I tried on Win 7 system as well and couldn't send commands using C application WriteFile() API. Any help appreciated.

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Contributor I

CDC connection is used for SDA connection I guess. I am trying to connect the other USB port on the board. Typically I am opening the virtual comport through a C code (CreateFile()) and sending a command buffer (using Write()) to the board. All Windows API's are returning success but on the board I am not getting any data. Tera term is able to send the commands successfully and Ic an see appropriate action taken for commands. Question is why C application is not able to send the data or open the port? Is there any setting needed in C application? (I am setting the DCB parameters correctly after CreateFile().)

Does VIrtual driver need any change for Windows 10?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

This depends on the USB CDC implementation you are using. What kind of USB CDC do you use?


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