How to troubleshoot the PCZ33937AEK driver on the TWR-MC-LV3PH?

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How to troubleshoot the PCZ33937AEK driver on the TWR-MC-LV3PH?

Contributor II

Hi everyone,

I am driving the 45zwn24-40 motor by generating the PWM signal from the KV46F150M card and transferring it from the TWR-Elev card to the TWR-MC-LV3PH driver card. I controlled the access of the PWM signals to the MC-LV3PH driver card by means of an oscilloscope. But I saw only the entries of the PCZ33937AEK kit. I saw that the PCZ33937AEK kit did not reach the outputs GATE_AT, GATE_AB, GATE_BT, GATE_BB, GATE_CT, GATE_CB. Drive enable of PCZ33937AEK is enabled. I checked that drive enable is high. But there was a mistake, how can I fix it ?

Thank you

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Masum,

The MC33937 has a spi interface, through which you can configure the MC33937.

I attach the BLDC_HS_TWR-56F8400 project, pls refer to the mc33927.c, which provides the api function to configure the MC33927.

Maybe there is difference between the MC33927 and MC33937, pls read the reference manual.

Hope it can help you


Xiangjun Rong

#pragma suppress_warnings on
#include "MC33927.h"

* External objects
extern byte SPI_Send(byte);

* Global variables

* Constants and macros

*                  MC33927 predriver register constants definition

#define STATUS_REGISTER_0                  0x00
#define STATUS_REGISTER_1                  0x01
#define STATUS_REGISTER_2                  0x02
#define STATUS_REGISTER_3                  0x03

#define MODE_COMMAND                      0x40
#define MODE_COMMAND_MASK                 0x0B

#define MASK0                              0x20
#define MASK1                              0x30

#define CLINT0                              0x60
#define CLINT1                              0x70

#define ZERO_DEADTIME                     0x80
#define DEADTIME_CALIBRATION              0x81

* Local function prototypes

* Local variables

* Local functions

* Global functions

* @brief  Reads Status Register 0 from MC33927
* @param  ptr            MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtSR0
*                          - pointer to the Status Register 0 structure
* @return N/A
* @remarks     The function sends the command to read Status Register 0 from
*           MC33927.
void MC33927_GetSR0(MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtSR0)
    pudtSR0 -> W8 = (byte)SPI_Send(STATUS_REGISTER_0);

* @brief  Reads Status Register 1 from MC33927
* @param  ptr            MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtSR1
*                          - pointer to the Status Register 1 structure
* @return N/A
* @remarks     The function sends the command to read Status Register 1 from
*           MC33927.
void MC33927_GetSR1(MC33927_MODE_T * pudtSR1)
    pudtSR1 -> W8 = (byte)SPI_Send(STATUS_REGISTER_0);

* @brief  Reads Status Register 2 from MC33927
* @param  ptr            MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtSR2
*                          - pointer to the Status Register 2 structure
* @return N/A
* @remarks     The function sends the command to read Status Register 2 from
*           MC33927.
void MC33927_GetSR2(MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtSR2)
    pudtSR2 -> W8 = (byte)SPI_Send(STATUS_REGISTER_0);

* @brief  Reads Status Register 3 from MC33927
* @return deadtime value
* @remarks     The function sends the command to read Status Register 3 from
*           MC33927. The return of this function is the deadtime
*           8-bit value, 255 corresponds to 15us.
byte MC33927_GetSR3(void)

* @brief  Set modes on MC33927
* @param  ptr            MC33927_MODE_COMMAND_T * pudtModeCommand
*                          - pointer to the mode command structure
* @return N/A
* @remarks     The function sets the mode bits MC33927 corresponding to the
*           structure the pudtModeCommand pointer points to.
void MC33927_ModeCommand(MC33927_MODE_COMMAND_T * pudtModeCommand)
    SPI_Send((pudtModeCommand -> W8 & MODE_COMMAND_MASK) | MODE_COMMAND);

* @brief  Set modes on MC33927
* @param  ptr            MC33927_MODE_COMMAND_T * pudtModeCommand
*                          - pointer to the mode command structure
* @return N/A
* @remarks     The function sets the mode bits of MASK0 and MASK1 on MC33927
*           corresponding to the structure the pudtInterruptMask pointer points to.
void MC33927_MaskInterrupts(MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtInterruptMask)
    SPI_Send((pudtInterruptMask -> W8 & 0x0F) | MASK0);
    SPI_Send(((pudtInterruptMask -> W8 >> 4) & 0x0F) | MASK1);

* @brief  Clear flags on MC33927
* @param  ptr            MC33927_MODE_COMMAND_T * pudtClearFlags
*                          - pointer to the clear flags structure
* @return N/A
* @remarks     The function clears the flag bits on MC33927 corresponding to
*           the structure the pudtClearFlags pointer points to.
void MC33927_ClearFlags(MC33927_LATCH_T * pudtClearFlags)
    SPI_Send((pudtClearFlags -> W8 & 0x0F) | CLINT0);
    SPI_Send(((pudtClearFlags -> W8 >> 4) & 0x0F) | CLINT1);

* @brief  Set zero deadtime on MC33927
* @remarks     The function sets the zero deadtime on MC33927. Be sure a deadtime
*           is properly generated by the PWM peripheral of the processor.
void MC33927_ZeroDeadtime(void)

* @brief  Enter the deadtime calibration mode on MC33927
* @remarks     The function sets MC33927 to enter the deadtime calibration mode.
*           The driver will ignore any commands sent to it after this function called.
*           To calibrate the deadtime follow these steps:
*           1. Call this function
*           2. Set the /CS pin of MC33927 to logical low
*           3. Apply delay loop 16x longer than the desired deadtime
*           4. Set the /CS pin of MC33927 to logical high
*           Now the deadtime is set. After reset the deadtime is set to 15us!
void MC33927_DeadtimeCalibration(void)
#pragma suppress_warnings off

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