Hi,everyone! I am using the KL17 microcontroller in recent days. Now I meet a problem. The question is:can the KL17 work without external oscillator? In other words,if the EXTAL0 and XTAL0 pins are floating that connect to nothing,will the KL17 work norma

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Hi,everyone! I am using the KL17 microcontroller in recent days. Now I meet a problem. The question is:can the KL17 work without external oscillator? In other words,if the EXTAL0 and XTAL0 pins are floating that connect to nothing,will the KL17 work norma

Contributor I


     I am using the KL17 microcontroller in recent days. Now I meet a problem. The question is:can the KL17 work without external oscillator? In other words,if the EXTAL0 and XTAL0 pins are floating that connect to nothing,will the KL17 work normally? If the KL17 can,how should I set up the KL17 in the program? I have set MCG to HIRC mode or LIRC2M mode,but the KL17 didn’t work.

     I need your help urgently. Who can help me?

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2 Replies

Specialist V


Download the open source uTasker project from GIT hub (link below).
Select KL27 (eg. FRDM_KL27Z) in config.h (without enabling USB, so that it also works on KL17) and set the define RUN_FROM_HIRC in app_hw_kinetis.h.
This will give you an operating project on any KL27 / KL17 board.
Finally check the clock code in _LowLevelInit() that is being selected by the configuration - copy it to solve problems in whatever environment you use.



Kinetis: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html
Kinetis KL25, KL26, KL27, KL28, KL82:
- http://http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-KL25Z.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/TWR-KL25Z48M.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-KL26Z.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/TEENSY_LC.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-KL27Z.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/Capuccino-KL27.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-KL28Z.html
- http://www.utasker.com/kinetis/FRDM-KL82Z.html

Build with: CW10.x, KDS, MCUXpresso, IAR, Keil, Greenhills, Crossworks, CooCox, Atollic, S32 Design Studio, GNU Make and Visual Studio

Free Open Source solution: https://github.com/uTasker/uTasker-Kinetis
Working project in 15 minutes video: https://youtu.be/K8ScSgpgQ6M

For better, faster, cheaper product developments consider the uTasker developer's version, professional Kinetis support, one-on-one training and complete fast-track project solutions to set you apart from the herd : http://www.utasker.com/support.html

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Haoyu Luo,

The question is: can the KL17 work without external oscillator?
Yes, It can. Actually, all kinetis devices work in default mode without an external oscillator.

how should I set up the KL17 in the program?

I recommend Clock config tools that come along with the use of SDK  you can download it in the web page: Welcome | MCUXpresso SDK Builder , inside this page there is an online Clock config tool, so you can generate the files and copy them into your project.


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