Flexcan IMASK1 register remains always 0x0. MQX4.0, CW10.3, kwikstik

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Flexcan IMASK1 register remains always 0x0. MQX4.0, CW10.3, kwikstik

Contributor I

Dear community,

I am using MQX4.0 on Codewarrior 10.3 with kwikstik version 5.0.

I'm following the foll. steps :

1. On a new workspace drug and drop kwikstikk40x256.wsd

2. Create a new MQX4.0 empty project.

3. On main.c and main.h, copy code from ... mqx/examples/can/flexcan test.c and test.h

4. Build and debug in int_flash mode.

Now the problem :

1. In  " Tx_Task -> FLEXCAN_Initialize_mailbox ->FLEXCAN_Int_enable"    there is a line of code :

(can_reg_ptr->IMASK1)  |= (0x1 << mailbox_number);

execution of this line ( mailbox_number = 1) leaves the IMASK1 register untouched with value 0.

2. I decided to ignore it and continue up to  "FLEXCAN_Tx_message" of Tx_Task, in order to get just one shot of the CAN frame.

An oscilloscope was connected on CAN_TX test point of the board, a series of pulses produced but these are definitely not a CAN frame.

More strangely a CAN ISR produced but inspection of IFLAG1 and ESR1 registers in "MY_FLEXCAN_ISR" shows them to have 0 values.

I tested the same with MQX3.8 the results were the same.

After 3 days of various tests it is still impossible to use the CAN on this board.

Is it a hardware errata of the uPC  (40X256 mask 2N30D)  ?

Is it a bug of CW10.3 ?

Any other ideas ?

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2 Replies

Contributor I

Thanks Paul,

I will post the question there too.

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Senior Contributor III

Hello Stathis!

Did you receive an answer that was not posted here?

We'd like to know how is the project going! Or if it the answer was posted here but it does no longer appear, we'll have to report the issue.


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