1、I have run Ethernet Bootloader on my board of MK64FX512 through IAR development;
2、But my company must use Keil MDK development,in In the process of transplantation,I Encountered one problem.
I want to put the Fapp_params to address 0x7f000 in flash,so I add the scatter file
ER_m_fnet_app FappParams_start FappParams_size{
fapp_params.o (+RO)
bulid the project the map file show
Execution Region ER_m_fnet_app (Base: 0x0007f000, Size: 0x00000244, Max: 0x00000fff, ABSOLUTE)
Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
0x0007f000 0x0000008c Code RO 6026 i.fapp_params_from_flash fapp_params.o
0x0007f08c 0x000000dc Code RO 6027 i.fapp_params_to_flash fapp_params.o
0x0007f168 0x000000dc Data RO 6029 .fapp_params fapp_params.o
it seems that the result is ok,
but I debug the project through the J-Link online,it come in hardfault at the beginning.I donot know what is wrong?
please help me ,thank you very much!
This is my scatter file
;#if (defined(__ram_vector_table__))
#define __ram_vector_table_size__ 0x00000400
;#define __ram_vector_table_size__ 0x00000000
#define m_interrupts_start 0x00000000
#define m_interrupts_size 0x00000400
#define m_flash_config_start 0x00000400
#define m_flash_config_size 0x00000010
#define m_text_start 0x00000410
#define m_text_size 0x0007EBF0
#define m_interrupts_ram_start 0x1FFF0000
#define m_interrupts_ram_size __ram_vector_table_size__
#define m_data_start (m_interrupts_ram_start + m_interrupts_ram_size)
#define m_data_size (0x00010000 - m_interrupts_ram_size)
#define m_data_2_start 0x20000000
#define m_data_2_size 0x00020000
/* FNET application parameters (optional).*/
#define FappParams_start (0x0007FFFF + 1 - (4*0x400))
#define FappParams_end 0x0007FFFF
#define FappParams_size 0xFFF
/* Sizes */
#if (defined(__stack_size__))
#define Stack_Size __stack_size__
#define Stack_Size 0x01000
#if (defined(__heap_size__))
#define Heap_Size __heap_size__
#define Heap_Size 0x0400
LR_m_text m_interrupts_start m_text_start+m_text_size-m_interrupts_start { ; load region size_region
VECTOR_ROM m_interrupts_start m_interrupts_size { ; load address = execution address
ER_m_flash_config m_flash_config_start FIXED m_flash_config_size { ; load address = execution address
* (FlashConfig)
ER_m_text m_text_start m_text_size { ; load address = execution address
* (InRoot$$Sections)
.ANY (+RO)
ER_m_fnet_app FappParams_start FappParams_size{
fapp_params.o (+RO)
;#if (defined(__ram_vector_table__))
VECTOR_RAM m_interrupts_ram_start EMPTY m_interrupts_ram_size {
;VECTOR_RAM m_interrupts_start EMPTY 0 {
RW_m_data m_data_start m_data_size { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
RW_m_data_2 m_data_2_start m_data_2_size-Stack_Size-Heap_Size { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
ARM_LIB_HEAP ((ImageLimit(RW_m_data_2) == m_data_2_start) ? m_data_2_start : +0) EMPTY Heap_Size { ; Heap region growing up
ARM_LIB_STACK m_data_2_start+m_data_2_size EMPTY -Stack_Size { ; Stack region growing down
Hi haiwagn zuo
According to your map file, Fapp_params is data (Read-Only). Could you clarify how this section gets value? also, if this variable is never initializaed, keil will try to initialize it to zero, which will cause a hardfault. If possible please check the use of UNINIT in keil.
Hope this helps.
Have a great day,
Jorge Alcala
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