3D models for TWR-K60F120M, elevators and TWR-SER

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3D models for TWR-K60F120M, elevators and TWR-SER

581 次查看
Contributor II

Hi all,

3D models (STEP preferred but others probably OK) for the TWR-K60F120M, TWR-SER and the primary and secondary TWR-ELEV boards would be wonderful if anyone can create them. I am assuming these might be able to be generated easily from the original source CAD files based on this thread:

TWR-56F8257 3D model?

We have bought 4 kits and probably will get a few more, but we need to integrate them into some interim/temporary hardware and the models would help a little in getting cable management and housing mounting details nice.

STEP or IGES is preferred but I can cope with at least some versions (maybe older, but not sure) of Solidworks, ProE, SolidEdge, plus others.

Many thanks,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Ian

I do not know if you already check the files on TWR-ELEV-PWB

As I know there is not 3D for the tower boards.

Have a great day,

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