Processor Expert - KL05Z

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Processor Expert - KL05Z

Contributor III

I am unable to create a project for KL05Z using KDS3.0 and KSDK1.3. I tried locating KSDK2.0 but looks like that is not available for download anymore.

We have customer hardware so as I understand the FRDM code may not be of help.Can you please help us get started with the KL05 device using KDS3.0? 

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7 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I checked my KDS3.2,  KL05 is listed


then , set Kinetis SDK as none.


Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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Contributor I

The video does not work for me, however has anyone figured out how to add KL05 to the lost of boards in MCUXpresso, or am I supposed to use KDS? This whole development setup feel 300% over-engineered. 

Can someone explain why MCUXpresso SDK page (MCUXpresso SDK|NXP ) lists KL0X as supported devices, yet when I attempt to build said SDK it does not have an option to select KL05 from the list.

Anyone know of a definitive guide on how to set up the development environment for KL05?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


KL0X family includes KL02, KL03, KL04, KL05

Arm® Cortex®-M0+|Ultra-Low Power Kinetis KL0x MCUs|NXP 

For KL02 and KL03, the recommended tool is MCUXpresso IDE and MCUXpresso SDK

For KL04 and KL05, the recommended tool is KDS or KDS+processor expert (processor expert is integrated in KDS). There is no plan for MCUXpresso supporting KL04 and KL05.

This doc is FYI. 

Is this clear to you?

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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Contributor I

Thank you for trying to help. I am now attempting to go the KDS route for setting up a development environment for KL05Z, however I am running into problems. 

First problem is that after I installed KDS and downloaded the KSDK(1.3) I am still not able to find FRDM-KL05Z in the list of boards available when I start a new project. On the plus side I do see MKL05Z listed under processors, but this is where we come to the next obstacle. 

Second problem is that when I attempt to start a new Kinetis SDK 1.x project, and select KL05Z from the processors list and also provide my KSDK location, I get the following message displayed at the top: Processor MKL05Z8xxx4 is not supported by selected SDK 1.3.0

Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


KSDK1.3 also doesn't support KL05Z, All KSDK1.3 supported chip and evaluation board can be checked in this url

Software Development Kit for Kinetis MCUs|NXP 

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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Contributor I

So in your previous message you said "For KL04 and KL05, the recommended tool is KDS", and I did install KDS yet when I go to create a new project there is no option to select KL05. Simply installing KDS does not give me the capability to build code that can be flashed to KL05, as there must be some SDK that I will have to select in order to create a new project. And as you said KSDK1.3 is not the correct SDK, then what SDK should be used?

What am I doing wrong, or a better question would be, where can i find a step by step guide for setting up KDS to be usable with KL05 micro-controllers?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


KSDK 1.3 doesn't include pe support for KL05.

However KDS itself includes KL05 pe support.

See attached video.

please make you you have the latest update installed.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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