Move CW10.5 K60 "Hello world" to KDS.

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Move CW10.5 K60 "Hello world" to KDS.

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I briefly describe the steps what I have done, maybe usefully for others.

My KDS run time environment is Linux.


.Directly merge "Hello world" from CW10.5 to KDS based on K60.


1: Create new project based on K60 from KDS.

2: Remove all files from this project.

3: Link this project to K60 "Hello world" prjoect.

4: Copy EWL GCC support from CW10.5, CW10.5 "Hello world" project need this.

5: Add head include directory for this project and nostdinc gcc compile option.

6: Explicit add project link file  location and path.

7:Add EWLlib link path, and -lm -lc -lgcc -lhosted, -luart, -lrt, add  -nostartfiles, -nodefaultlibs, -nostdlib, link options.

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