KBOOT for KDS3.2.0 with SDK2.0

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KBOOT for KDS3.2.0 with SDK2.0

2,350 次查看
Contributor III


I have to integrate a bootloader on a MK22FN512,

For an important finished application developed on KDS3.2.0 with Eclipse and SDK 2.0

I want to load application firmware via UART0 interface.

We bought 2500 parts MK22FN512VLH12 by CMS_INDUSTRIE


 Given the evolutions of the tools since KDS3.2.0, i would like to have clarifications on the following points: 

1) Not finding "Windows GUI updater application" for KDS 3.2.0 with SDK 2.0, the question is whether  it  is compatible with the latest proposed for NXPXpresso MCUBOOT? In other words, the remote loading protocol has not been modified since KDS3.2.0 ?

2) At “https://www.nxp.com/design/software/development-software/mcuxpresso-software-and-tools/mcuboot-mcu-bootloader-for-nxp-microcontrollers:MCUBOOT”                What are the different versions of:                   

         o FSL_Kinetis_Bootloader_1_2_0_KS22_1_0_0                   

         o NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0

The documentation explains the use but gives no compatibility information with existing tools like KDS3.2.0 and SDK2.0? 

3) I found the site “https://freescale.jiveon.com/docs/DOC-256669” planned for Kinetis bootloader v1.2.0 KSDKV1.2.0 and KDS v3.0.0,  while I'm using KDS v3.2.0 with KSDK2. 0 . Is it compatible ?


4) Is it easier to merge the boot loader with user code application project or manage it in another project? If i want to use step-by-step mode with the Eclipse GDB database in commit mode and not in debug mode.


Thank you in advance to the person who could inform us about this problem. Best regards from France.


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1,922 次查看
Contributor III

Thanks to Felipe Garcia for the good direction he give me to take.

I finally found all i need in MCUXpresso IDE with mcu-boot.

I run the example on frdm-K22F board an all is good;

Now i need to migrate my project to 0xa000 address to be load by  the bootloader

And i don't understand  why linker files exist only in boot loader examples like





In all another example the linker file don't exist ?

how can you compile this project ?

where can we modify linker information ?

how can i activate linker file necessary to parameter Flash address to 0xa000 address ?

Best regards

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1,922 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Didier,


You can do that directly from MCUXpresso by doing the following:


Go to Properties > C/C++ Build > MCU settings


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


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1,922 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Didier,


KBOOT is the previous version of MCUBOOT and it is compatible with MCUXpresso. The recommended path is the following.


Download the corresponding SDK for your chip or development board. You can download it from the following link:



Make sure you select the mcu-boot middleware.



The corresponding files for your MCU will be located in your SDK package in middleware > mcu-boot.


Best regards,


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1,922 次查看
Contributor III

Hello and thank you very much Felipe Garcia

But you say first "KBOOT is the previous version of MCUBOOT and it is compatible with MCUXpresso"

and in the SDK you select "MCU-boot" that is different from "KBOOT" ? 

do you mean :

1) that i must replace "MCU-boot" files by "KBOOT2.0.0" files  ?


2) "MCU-boot" is the same à KBOOT2.0.0"  ?

* Another question , I don't understand how we can have on the same application for complete IDE debug interface, bootloader and Application  on KDS3.2.0 ?  Can you give me the documentation where NXP explain how to make that ?


* Is it possible to compile bootloader alone on MCUXpresso or KDS3.2.0 then load binary bootloader on target, and after compile my application project alone on KDS 3.2.0 and load the binary application by UART bootloader  ?


* Is MCUXpresso SDK is the same or very different than SDK2.0 from KDS3.2.0 ?

Is transition of a complex project based on KDS3.2.0  with FREERTOS  to  MCUXtpresso with FREERTOS is easy because automated by MCUXpresso.


Best regards


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1,922 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Didier,


MCU-boot is the new and recommended version of KBOOT. Please check below page from NXP website.



Please check the document below, I recommend you to check this as a getting started with MCU-boot.



Hope it helps!


Best regards,


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1,922 次查看
Contributor III

I finally found in "Kinetis Bootloader v2.0.0 Release Notes.pdf " that the  "NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2_0_0" package  is for  KDS3.2.0.

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