Hello NoahXu,
I am bit confused. Your screenshots are from FreeMASTER project created for PMSM FOC project, while you attached very very very old project for BLDC 6-Step comutation.
Could you please double check that you run the FreeMASTER project that came with project uploaded into MCU?
Please let us know which sw project do you use.
If you use standard S12ZVML EVB/KIT (e.g. S12ZVMEVB, MTRCKTSPNZVM128), there are two USBs on the board. Please ensure that you connected the right USB port (accroding to J27 and J28 jumpers), you properly installed the CP2102 (J27,J28 in possition 2-3) or OSBDM (J27,J28 in possition 1-2) drivers, you connected board to 12V and you uploaded the code into MCU, let the code run and disconnect (button in CW debugger) for avoiding interference with serial communication.
Best regards
Hi, Radek
it is my fault, i upload the wrong code.
now the right code is uploaded. it is the S12ZVM_RDB_EWP.
the connection is like the screeshot.
but still got the negative feedback from freemaster.
is there any special setup should i do to start the sci connection?
Hello NoahXu,
Thank you for more details. Tips for you:
Hi, Radek
due to the limited room of the layput, i use the 6 pin connector as previous attatched for 2 purpose:
i made 2 cable harness, after i flasehed the ECU, i will disconnect the BDM cables and connect uart cables for debug.
the uart cable have 3 pins , rx tx and gnd, which is conenct to tx rx and gnd of ECU.
i use this cable for other app, and it works. but for the s12z app it just not work.
so i cannot use this recorder function for some precise debug like the 3 phase current signal, svm sectors...
do you have some demos which is ok to use the uart debug functions? i would like to check.
Hi @NoahXu,
Is 9600 bps option selected on the UART screen ?
I can see on your print screen 19200, but according to BLDC MC9S12ZVML128 Motor Control Development Kit User Guide - default baudrate is 9600.
Hi , Iulian
the code is wrong , not the right code is upload.