Where can I download FreeMASTER v3.1.4.5?

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Where can I download FreeMASTER v3.1.4.5?

777 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Could you teach me where I can download FreeMASTER v3.1.4.5, please?


I installed the latest version v3.2 a few days ago, but I'm getting an error and can't use it.

Therefore, I want to return to v3.1.4.5 which was working stably.

Best regards,


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1 解答
738 次查看
NXP Apps Support
NXP Apps Support

Dear Katsutoshi-san,

let me summarize our discussion held internally:

  1. The issue you were facing in version 3.2 was a random "Reference Error" message displayed when working with MCAT motor control toolbox.
  2. This error was caused by a minor issue in MCAT JavaScript code. The issue was not visible in version 3.1.
  3. Version 3.2 brings a new version of Chromium browser component (CEF) and the issue has become visible.
  4. NXP Motor Control team has provided an MCAT fix for LPC55S36 SDK 2.10.2. Actually the fix is already present in the latest SDK releases (2.12 and later) available for other devices.

Thank you for your cooperation,


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2 回复数
739 次查看
NXP Apps Support
NXP Apps Support

Dear Katsutoshi-san,

let me summarize our discussion held internally:

  1. The issue you were facing in version 3.2 was a random "Reference Error" message displayed when working with MCAT motor control toolbox.
  2. This error was caused by a minor issue in MCAT JavaScript code. The issue was not visible in version 3.1.
  3. Version 3.2 brings a new version of Chromium browser component (CEF) and the issue has become visible.
  4. NXP Motor Control team has provided an MCAT fix for LPC55S36 SDK 2.10.2. Actually the fix is already present in the latest SDK releases (2.12 and later) available for other devices.

Thank you for your cooperation,

0 项奖励
728 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @MichalH -san,

Thank you so much for your prompt action and detailed explanation!

I was able to confirm that the fixed package for LPC55S36 SDK 2.10.2 that your team sent me works fine.

And I'll wait for the release of LPC55S36 SDK 2.12.


Best regards,


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