TSA not work

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TSA not work

Contributor III


I am using an S32K344 board, I have implemented the FreeMaster driver into my project, i can R/W by FreeMaster tool  through using elf file, now  I am trying to  use TSA instead but it is not working, I am using the protocol as seen below :

Skærmbillede 2024-02-19 160213.png 

Then I initialized the table as seen below:


Skærmbillede 2024-02-19 160708.png

this file is  a .c file, but i do have init and poll  in the main file

Skærmbillede 2024-02-19 160930.png

but still, I can not read data without an elf file??


I used P&E Micro Communication Plug-in

Skærmbillede 2024-02-19 163342.png

it may be a connection issue Skærmbillede 2024-02-19 171102.png

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @Ayaz,

Could you check if TSA feature is enabled in freemaster_cfg.h:

#define FMSTR_USE_TSA           1   // Enable TSA functionality

The error message you see is related to the incorrect RAM address range in "Communication Buffer Address" section (S32K344 SRAM starts at 0x20408000). FreeMASTER scans that RAM region for a buffer defined in the communication driver. You can find the exact address in the map file and set that value into "Buffer Address" field, ex:

.bss._pdbdm    0x204084c4      0x100 ./FreeMASTER/src/common/freemaster_pdbdm.o



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