Run FreeMASTER after programming the MPC5744 with ADC_MPC5744P

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Run FreeMASTER after programming the MPC5744 with ADC_MPC5744P

Contributor III

Hi everyone,

I was today able to program the project "ADC_MPC5744P" on MPC5744P DevKit using S32.


Now is the question, how can I see the value on the ADC using FreeMASTER.


I'm using s32 Design Studio for Power Architecture and FreeMASTER 3.1.

I'll be thankful for a short video tutorial

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Contributor III

here the video. I'm not able to connect to the board at all....

I can program it using S32 and as you can see the COM board is set correctly.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @tl007,

Can you define FMSTR_DEBUG_TX  in "freemaster_cfg" header file "#define FMSTR_DEBUG_TX 1". This option instructs the driver to periodically transmit test frames out on the selected communication interface. If you connect with a RS232 terminal such as termite you should see test data "+©W" coming from the board.

If this does not work make sure that you are able to send / receive data via the serial line using standard SDK functions, again using a RS232 terminal. In this case freemaster driver should be disabled "#define FMSTR_DISABLE 1" to not interfere with SDK send / receive functions.

We can further investigate this issue once you confirm that there are no issues with plain serial communication.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @tl007,

Did you check this post Connecting to the Board  ?

Key steps to follow in order to be able to monitor a variable in FreeMASTER:
1. Connect to the target board using connection wizard using the connection method specified in `freemaster_cfg.h`
2. Make sure the variable that stores the ADC values is visible to FreeMASTER (if is automatically discovered if Target Side Addressing TSA is used on the embedded side or can be extracted from the project ELF file).
3. Use FreeMASTER GUI features: Variable Watch for numeric or Oscilloscope for visual data representation.

Let us know if you need more details on any of these steps.

Note there are more NXP video trainings (search for FreeMASTER key word) covering different aspects of FreeMASTER tool.


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