ON/OFF icon in the App control tab of FreeMASTER is fixed to OFF. What should I do?

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ON/OFF icon in the App control tab of FreeMASTER is fixed to OFF. What should I do?

4,068 次查看
Contributor III

I want to check the motor operation in MCSPTE1AK344 Development Kit. However, the ON/OFF icon in the App control tab of FreeMASTER is fixed to OFF. What should I do?

[The order in which I worked]
1. Import the file in the path below from the workspace

   - C:\NXP\MC_DevKits\MCSPTE1AK344\sw


2. Double-click S32K_PMSM_Sensorless.pmpx inside the FreeMaster folder.


3. FreeMASTER runs

4. I try to press ON on the app control screen, but it appears as OFF.


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29 回复数

896 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Trunie, 

regarding to S32K344 board: 

In my opinion as you mentioned board might be broken too, but without other measurements it is hard to say which part/component it is. 

regarding to S32K144 board:

Application you showed me in print screen is tuned for Linix motor. 

for Sunrise motor please apply following changes: 

1) replace attached PMSM_appconfig.h in  in MCSPTE1AK144\sw\MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh\Sources\Config 

2) replace attached M1_params.txt in MCSPTE1AK144\MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh\FreeMASTER_control\MCAT\param_files

3) Replace code in  FocSlowLoop function in main.c 

original lines to be replaced: 

if(drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq > SPEED_LIM_RAD) drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq = SPEED_LIM_RAD;
if(drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq < -SPEED_LIM_RAD) drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq = -SPEED_LIM_RAD;
new lines :
if(drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq > WEL_MAX) drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq = WEL_MAX;
if(drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq < -WEL_MAX) drvFOC.pospeControl.wRotElReq = -WEL_MAX;
Best regards,
Tomas Fedor.
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889 次查看
Contributor III

Hi. Tomas 

Thanks for the answer.
Since I use the Sunrise motor, I applied the 3 changes you mentioned above.

- PMSM_appconfig.h : I deleted all the code in the PMSM_appconfig.h file on the project(at S32DS) -> I copied all the code in the file attached above and pasted it in PMSM_appconfig.h

M1_params.txt : Same as above

- main.c : I changed the code as above

Then I ran Build -> Flash on the board -> activate S32K_PMSM_Sensorless.pmp file.
As a result, a FAULT occurs... 

I've written down what I've confirmed below, please refer to this.

1) replace attached PMSM_appconfig.h in  in MCSPTE1AK144\sw\MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh\Sources\Config 


2) replace attached M1_params.txt in MCSPTE1AK144\MCSPTE1AK144_PMSM_FOC_2Sh\FreeMASTER_control\MCAT\param_files


3) Replace code in  FocSlowLoop function in main.c 


[Fault occurs at FreeMASTER]


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882 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Trunie, 

updated scale for Udc voltage is correct in the print screens you posted. 


So it looks to me like the board is supplied by 24V instead of 12V. 

Best regards, 

Tomas Fedor.


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880 次查看
Contributor III

Hi. Tomas

I use the power supply below, and this product outputs 12V(This product is included when purchasing MCSPTE1AK344).
I don't know why it shows 24V in the picture above.
So I measured the voltage again with a multimeter and found that it was 12V. It also appears as 12V on MCAT.

[power supply]


[voltage measurement point - DEVKIT MOTORGD]


[MCAT screen - 12V]

mcat_no fault.png

And it turned out that there were no FAULTs on the MCAT.(refer to above picture)

So I changed it from Off->On. But In this state, if Speed ​​required is set to 0 -> other value, FAULT occurs again... What should I do?

note1. When the 'speed required' is set to 2000(not zero) and I change it from Off to On, it becomes READY -> CALIB -> ALIGN -> FAULT.

note2. the motor did not rotate.





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839 次查看
Contributor III

I am waiting for a response to the inquiry in the above article.

Is it possible for you to update me on what is going on?

Thank you.


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813 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Trunie, 

there is a new updated SW for S32K144 tuned for Sunrise Motor (You can select between Linix or sunrise by running SetMotor-LINIX_45ZWN24-40.bat or SetMotor-SUNRISE_42BLY3A78-24110.bat files. But project is by default set for the Sunrise motor). 

Please try: 

1) download and install new SW 



2) Before turning up the the application verify whether motor can freely turn (You can just try to turn the disc by hand whether it is not mechanically blocked).   

2) verify settings on your setup according settings on your setup. and try to run the motor.


SW is working on my side with MCSPTE1AK144 + Sunrise motor. 

Best regards, 

Tomas Fedor.

0 项奖励

809 次查看
Contributor III

Hi. Tomas

I was waiting for a reply, thank you for your reply.

I followed your answer, but an error occurred during the build process

1) download and install new SW
-> I downloaded new sw and installed it.

2) Before turning up the the application verify whether motor can freely turn (You can just try to turn the disc by hand whether it is not mechanically blocked).
-> The motor moved well and there was no stuck.

3) verify settings on your setup according settings on your setup. and try to run the motor.
-> The board setup was completed well.

After completing the sw installation, an error occurs when I open the project and build it (please refer to the picture below).

The error did not occur in the previous version (1.1). What should I fix?

build error.png


Best regards,


0 项奖励

805 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Trunie, 

it seems that ammclib library path is not set properly.
I will analyze why it happened.  

in order to fix it: 

1) check the latest version of the AMMCLib you have installed for K1 in C:\NXP\AMMCLIB  S32K14x_AMMCLIB_v1.1.XX 

2) In design studio open project properties (right click on project)


3) Open category C/C++ General -> Path and symbols  and update library path to correct version in : 
includes GNU C and in Library paths


After this modification it should be possible to build the project. 

Best regards, 
Tomas Fedor.

0 项奖励

706 次查看
Contributor III

Hi. Tomas

I had a problem with EVB not being able to flash, so I spent a few days trying to fix it.

First, I solved the build error with the information you provided above. Thank you.

So I built the BLDC_6Step project and flashed it to EVB. Then I clicked on S32K_BLDC_Sensorless.pmp and ran MCAT. However, a FAULT occurs. What should I do?


- Even when I click the 'Clear Fault' icon, the fault does not disappear.
- Even if I click the 'ON/OFF' icon, it doesn't turn on.


I Placed DEVKIT-MOTORGD jumpers J9, J10, J11 to position 2-3 for BLDC application







1. A fault occurred in the BLDC application, so I checked how the PMSM application works(I changed the positions of jumper J9, J10, and J11 of DEVKIT-MOTORGD to 1-2). As a result of checking, a FAULT occurs, and even when I click the 'Clear FAULT' icon, the FAULT does not disappear.

2. I supplied 12V to the EVB, but the voltage appears to be about 23V in the MCAT of the PMSM application. I don't know why.




I checked how the code is executed to see if a FAULT occurs, and the process is as follows. Can this problem of continuously occurring FAULTs be improved?

- Process : main() -> AppStateMachine[appState]() -> appState value changed from 'APP_INIT(0)' to 'APP_STOP(5)' -> faultcheck() -> 'MC34GD3000 MOSFET Pre-driver error' Code is executed, faultStatus.B.PreDriverError = 1 -> appState = 'APP_FAULT(6)'

1. main()


2. AppStateMachine[appState]()


3. appState value changed from 'APP_INIT(0)' to 'APP_STOP(5)'


4. 'MC34GD3000 MOSFET Pre-driver error' Code is executed, faultStatus.B.PreDriverError = 1


5. appState = 'APP_FAULT(6)'


Update3. (Same as Updated1)

I would like to share what I found regarding the problem where a FAULT occurs when I run the MCAT Tool by clicking on the .pmp file in the project.

- actual input voltage : 12V
- DC Bus Voltage displayed in MCAT Tool : 24V (It should be 12V, but it shows 24V)

[Voltage on MCAT and Multimeter]


[measured point]



Best regards,


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