Deinstalltion FreeMaster 3.2

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Deinstalltion FreeMaster 3.2

887 次查看
Contributor I


My installation of FreeMaster 3.2 was aborted. When reinstalling, I get an error message that the software is already present and an upgrade is not possible. How can I install the software again?


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1 解答
865 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Just to make sure - are you able to access hidden folders on your system ? By default, Zero G Registry is a hidden folder and may not show up in explorer/search window for users with limited privileges.

If you have admin rights on your PC, could you update system options to show hidden folders and try searching for the folder/file on your system disk.

A few additional questions:

  • Are there any remaining files from the previous installation on you disk (ex: C:/NXP/FreeMASTER 3.2/) ?
  • Does FreeMASTER 3.2 shows up in Program and Features under Control Panel ?



0 项奖励
4 回复数
873 次查看
Contributor I

Hi julian,
thanks for the quick replay.
I don´t have this folder or the file on my notebook.

Kind regards

0 项奖励
866 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Just to make sure - are you able to access hidden folders on your system ? By default, Zero G Registry is a hidden folder and may not show up in explorer/search window for users with limited privileges.

If you have admin rights on your PC, could you update system options to show hidden folders and try searching for the folder/file on your system disk.

A few additional questions:

  • Are there any remaining files from the previous installation on you disk (ex: C:/NXP/FreeMASTER 3.2/) ?
  • Does FreeMASTER 3.2 shows up in Program and Features under Control Panel ?


0 项奖励
861 次查看
Contributor I
Okay, I could fix it. Installation is done, thanks for your help. Best regards Peter
0 项奖励
877 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Peter,

Could you check this post and let us know if that works for you.

King regards,

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