FTF 2015 - 培训演示

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FTF 2015 Training Presentations


Learn about Freescale's first low-power, quad-core 64-bit ARM® processor.  This device is targeted for several growth segments including:  Industrial networking and control, small to medium services routers and gigabit rate residential gateway's.
This session will cover a variety of topics currently being faced with change management, including why Product Change Notifications (PCNs) are important to Freescale customers (notably in cost reduction achievement) and quality improvements to product and manufacturing processes. This session will also discuss several aspects of the shift from gold to copper bond wire including the technical details of this shift, what Freescale has done to qualify it, the rollout timing review by product family and the importance of customer approval. FTF-ACC-F1247
Many existing safety applications, e.g., in railway signaling, are based on aging, proprietary computing systems. These range from hard lock-step, hardware voting architectures, to software-based voting. Each approach brings costs in performance, scalability, life cycle and software development/portability. Some have not achieved Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 4 certification (per the EN 5012x rail standards), which is now a worldwide requirement. This presentation gives an overview of an architecture for a COTS fail-safe computer (ControlSafe™) that combines “loose” lock-step with hardware voting, to provide software transparency, scalability and SIL4 certification. The platform employs distributed Freescale QorIQ processors. Leveraging such a platform, safety application providers can plan technology refresh while maintaining the investment in/focus on their application software.
This session will provide customers the opportunity to meet with a variety of Kinetis engineers and business owners to discuss critical topics for today’s embedded engineers such as security, connectivity, power consumption, and time-to-market.  Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the latest Kinetis roadmap, ask technical questions, provide feedback back to the Kinetis team. #KinetisConnects
With both the i.MX range of application processors, and the QorIQ Layerscape communications processors, Freescale is at the forefront of producing leading edge ARM-based solutions for Wearable, Automotive, Industrial, and Enterprise segments. These devices provide highly integrated, energy efficient, solutions, typically with significant software requirements. With DS-5, ARM provides a common toolchain supporting all of these platforms, delivering best in class compilation, full multi-core debug support, and advanced profiling functionality.
The ARM® 64-bit architecture is rapidly emerging as a standard ISA spanning all segments of the networking space, bringing the industry closer to having a single standard platform for networking and network function virtualization (NFV). The Linaro engineering organization is dedicated to the consolidation of open source software and tools for the ARM ISA, focused on building a robust ecosystem around a single runtime software platform. The primary activities of the networking working group of Linaro will be examined, including the role, objectives and activities of Open Dataplane -- an effort to create a platform independent and vendor-neutral standard API for optimized packet processing for NFV and traditional networking services, and its relationship to activities such as the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) initiative.
Developers of safety-critical applications need to be very selective about what tools they choose to craft their products since their selected compiler and linker will touch every piece of code in their product. Functional Safety standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 help to ensure that your tools conform to the C/C++ language standards and that any tool defects are corrected according to a documented process so that you can have complete confidence that your tools are of the utmost quality. Since developers have the ultimate liability to prove that their products are safe and reliable, using a Functional Safety version of your tools makes sense, particularly when you are seeking a safety certification for your design. This session will help you understand how a Functional Safety toolchain can benefit your organization as well as help you speed your path to certification.
For the Internet of Things (IoT) in the home to become a reality along with mass adoption, companies need a protocol that improves network architecture and is also low-power, secure and scalable. This class will examine the latest efforts by the Thread Group to achieve network interoperability across devices in the home and the technical roadblocks that have prevented widespread adoption of the connected home to date. The session will further detail why the Thread Group was created, what it covers and how it solves reliability, security, power and compatibility issues in order to help manufacturers and consumers connect products around the home. An overview of Freescale's Thread solution will be presented along with a complete demonstration.
Some IoT installations are required to maintain operations in the field for over 10 years. Selecting sensor components for these applications is significantly different from mobile and consumer products. This presentation examines environmental compatibility and long term operating characteristics of sensors and provides an overview of the design considerations for embedded industrial applications.
This session will provide customers the opportunity to meet with a variety of Kinetis engineers and business owners to discuss critical topics for today’s embedded engineers such as security, connectivity, power consumption, and time-to-market.  Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the latest Kinetis roadmap, ask technical questions, provide feedback back to the Kinetis team. #KinetisConnects
Curtiss-Wright will discuss the vital role that Freescale’s Power Architecture® and ARM® processors play today in rugged COTS-based embedded aerospace and defense applications where SWaP-C constraints demand low-power computing without compromise in harsh, deployed environments.  Such applications benefit greatly from Freescale’s ability to meet the STRESS requirements (S-Security, T-Trusted Computing, R-Reliability/Rugged, E-Embedded, S-Safety Certifiable, Support-Long Lifecycle Supply) typical of these markets. Through application examples we show how open architecture modules based on these devices provide processing solutions for airborne and ground combat vehicles, commercial embedded, as well as addressing requirements for ancillary markets which include National Infrastructure applications such as Power Plants, Power Grid, Security and Homeland Protection.
Kinetis M series MCUs are based upon the low-power ARM® Cortex®-M0+ core and are designed for single-chip 1, 2 and 3-phase electricity meters as well as flow meter and other precision measurement applications.
IR will show power solutions for Layerscape and T series processors. IR will demonstrate easy design techniques for quick-to-market, practical designs for system power for these processors’ critical power supply rails. Details: IR will show several power system designs for the Layerscape and T series processors. Will provide schematics, layout, and design tool examples for quick to market designs as well as options for customers to tailor for application use cases to achieve a practical, lean and optimum solution. Advanced techniques will also be shown real-time on the use of modern PMBus command sets for power sequencing, fault management and telemetry to reduce design time and cost.
High power RF customers also use low power MMICs and GPAs as smaller drivers and pre-driver which are included in Freescale's RF small signal portfolio. This class will cover the mathematics for computing the required driver and pre-driver output power in a line-up, discuss key product differentiators and review the small signal RF device portfolio. Since all radio communications systems include both a transmit path and a receive path, Freescale’s small signal portfolio contains an extensive array of low noise amplifier (LNA) devices used in the receive path of the radio link. This class will also cover the techniques used to create line-up suggestions utilizing these devices.
Modern embedded project lifecycles are getting shorter while paradoxically the list of software requirements continues to grow. More often than not, software quality suffers because of shortened test phases. It is imperative that developers find bugs quickly and efficiently through as many automated means as possible. Fortunately, static and dynamic analysis tools exist that can help you find, diagnose, and fix these defects as quickly as possible. In this session, we will do a brief overview of the types of errors that can be eradicated using such tools and we will demonstrate how such tools can be integrated seamlessly in your workflow which leaves you time to focus on writing code for your application. We will also show how such tools improve code quality to not only reduce defects but also promote reuse in future applications and ease the path to safety certification.