FTF 2015 Training Presentations

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FTF 2015 Training Presentations


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Modern embedded project lifecycles are getting shorter while paradoxically the list of software requirements continues to grow. More often than not, software quality suffers because of shortened test phases. It is imperative that developers find bugs quickly and efficiently through as many automated means as possible. Fortunately, static and dynamic analysis tools exist that can help you find, diagnose, and fix these defects as quickly as possible. In this session, we will do a brief overview of the types of errors that can be eradicated using such tools and we will demonstrate how such tools can be integrated seamlessly in your workflow which leaves you time to focus on writing code for your application. We will also show how such tools improve code quality to not only reduce defects but also promote reuse in future applications and ease the path to safety certification.
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Developers of safety-critical applications need to be very selective about what tools they choose to craft their products since their selected compiler and linker will touch every piece of code in their product. Functional Safety standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 help to ensure that your tools conform to the C/C++ language standards and that any tool defects are corrected according to a documented process so that you can have complete confidence that your tools are of the utmost quality. Since developers have the ultimate liability to prove that their products are safe and reliable, using a Functional Safety version of your tools makes sense, particularly when you are seeking a safety certification for your design. This session will help you understand how a Functional Safety toolchain can benefit your organization as well as help you speed your path to certification.
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The Kinetis bootloader is a configurable flash programming utility that operates over a serial connection on Kinetis MCUs. In this session, you will learn about the bootloader's major features and most recent updates, followed by a hands-on class where we'll discuss all of the configurations complete with lab examples covering how to talk, configure and use the Kinetis bootloader. We will cover all of the protocols and have lab examples for communication to the Kinetis bootloader using UART, USB HID. Attendees will learn to implement a UART-only bootloader with small code footprint. Attendees will leave the class with all the information to re-create the labs.
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Learn about the latest MCUs recently added to the Kinetis V series, including the Kinetis KV5x MCU - Freescale's first MCU featuring the ARM Cortex-M7 core.
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As new Automotive and Industrial systems increase their features and complexity, nowadays most of the features are being controlled by MCU upon human or mechanical interaction such as buttons, switches, sensors, etc. Along with tighter and more robust requirements, markets are pushing for the best price-per-feature solutions for switch monitoring and feature control systems. To address such needs, Freescale created the MSDI family of devices, to provide integrated solutions, with multiple switch detection channels and flexible programmability through SPI communication, addressing many different needs in the Automotive and Industrial market without the need of sacrificing space, robustness, resources and design effort related to the implementation of discrete solutions that may provide limited capabilities for today’s demanding markets.
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As the IoT gains momentum, the growth in the number of nodes connected to the internet poses a number of security challenges. The sheer number of devices establishing new connections to the cloud places a severe computational load on web servers. At the other end of the network, existing internet authentication algorithms are too heavy for small, battery powered sensor nodes to process. Further, more personal data will be captured and must be protected from cyber-attacks. This session will propose solutions to mitigate these challenges, both in the cloud and in the edge nodes.
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The large scale deployment of the IoT will not be possible without resolving current major security issues and challenges. This can be resolved using few key security software components. From its experience securing smartcard systems, P&R is the first in the industry to get certification agencies to work on certifying its formally proven software to the highest security level. The speaker will describe the key software components already developed by P&R and the ones soon to be available as COTS to Freescale’s customers and partners. He will illustrate them using representative examples showing how such key security components can be used to answer all the critical security challenges of the IoT. The speaker will also present how ProvenCore, a fully secure microkernel and a major component of P&R range of security bricks, has been designed to reach the highest level of security.
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This session covers the  QorIQ T4240/T2080  and next-generation QorIQ LS series processors as iNIC solutions supporting the emerging high performance requirements of virtualized servers. The sessions with cover such topics as implementing virtualized functions with SR-IOV thru the DPDK interface. Also covered will be L2 offload using Open vSwitch controlled by standard SDN controllers.
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Presented by LIANG PING Presented at DwF Kinetis MCUs Based on ARM® Technology Shenzhen - January 27, 2015
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Functional Safety is one of the key technical trends of automotive application. The developer may encounter great challenges without IC suppliers’ strong support on functional safety ready products and relevant enablement and knowledge. Freescale SafeAssure program will greatly relief designers’ difficulties on ECU development targeting compliance with ISO26262. Details on using functional safety manual and dynamic FMEDA to design safety ECU are discussed in this session.
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A Deep Dive into Image Processing for i.MX 6 Series Applications Processors has no featured content yet. To feature content, go to the discussion, document, or blog post you want to feature and click "Feature this" in the list of actions on the right. Anyone with rights to administer content here may feature content.
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Many existing safety applications, e.g., in railway signaling, are based on aging, proprietary computing systems. These range from hard lock-step, hardware voting architectures, to software-based voting. Each approach brings costs in performance, scalability, life cycle and software development/portability. Some have not achieved Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 4 certification (per the EN 5012x rail standards), which is now a worldwide requirement. This presentation gives an overview of an architecture for a COTS fail-safe computer (ControlSafe™) that combines “loose” lock-step with hardware voting, to provide software transparency, scalability and SIL4 certification. The platform employs distributed Freescale QorIQ processors. Leveraging such a platform, safety application providers can plan technology refresh while maintaining the investment in/focus on their application software.
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S12ZVM family provides ideal combination of high integration and high-performance for space constrained motor control applications. S12ZVM family is expanding to cover many more applications with capability to directly interface with LIN or CAN networks. It is an ideal controller to have a platform strategy for multitude of motor control applications. This session will provide a basic understanding on 3 phase motor control, value of using S12ZVM in various applications and overview of the mature S12ZVM enablement solutions that can help spin the motor in no time and can help to extract the highest performance from the device.
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This session will discuss a functional, cost and design cycle analysis of product development using SOMs, WaRP Board, custom board and SCM6D based products. This analysis will focus on several design scenarios facing customers and how each of the 4 solutions discussed compare. Further to the analysis will be discussion on time to market studies as well as software development impacts to product lead time. Following this class, you should be better prepared to utilize Freescale SCM portfolio to get your products to market faster.
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IR will show power solutions for Layerscape and T series processors. IR will demonstrate easy design techniques for quick-to-market, practical designs for system power for these processors’ critical power supply rails. Details: IR will show several power system designs for the Layerscape and T series processors. Will provide schematics, layout, and design tool examples for quick to market designs as well as options for customers to tailor for application use cases to achieve a practical, lean and optimum solution. Advanced techniques will also be shown real-time on the use of modern PMBus command sets for power sequencing, fault management and telemetry to reduce design time and cost.
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This session will provide an update on Freescale's analog portfolio and value proposition. It will cover industrial, automotive and consumer product families: MCU and system power management, analog power switches, battery and energy management, physical layer interfaces such as Chokeless CAN and isolated network transceivers, radar 77GHz and motor control and power drive. It will highlight safety features of the products as well as new enablement tools such as Tower board or Processor Expert analog software component. Presented by Emmanuel Carcenac Presented at DwF Tel Aviv - January 27, 2015 Session ID: EUF-IND-T0662
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This session explains the many interfaces in the Freescale i.MX 6 series of application processors which make it ideal for automotive applications. 
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This session will explain how Freescale can enable customers to develop 76-81 GHz short and long range radar applications using the MPC577xK MCU, it will explain the concepts of the radar algorithms, including practical aspects such as SDADC or MIPI CSI sampling, Chirp Generation, Data Compression, R,V FFT, Detection and Tracking algorithms, and the benefits of the new Freescale IP that can allow them to improve their system resolution and accuracy. In this session customers will take away a detailed understanding of how to develop fast modulation radar systems using the MPC577xK MCU including the BOM cost advantages it also brings.
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