NTAG I2C Plus CRC questions

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NTAG I2C Plus CRC questions

Contributor I


I have been working with the NTAG I2C Plus chip, my phone for NFC communication, and a MIMXRT1060 EVKB board for I2C, and it has been working well. Now I am trying to explore the authentication/password functionality, and it is going less well.

The datasheet has the following table for sending the PWD_AUTH, which makes sense other than the CRC. I did around 5 hours of research yesterday and I understand the idea of a CRC and how it is used, but no matter where I checked, including "Ref. 2" I could not find answers to a few questions.


1. Does the NTAG I2C plus use a specific polynomial and initial value, and what are they? 

2. In general, do both devices that are communicating need to have a predetermined, agreed upon polynomial and initial value? (I saw a post where someone was saying as an option you could send these values along with your message, but I don't know if that is how the NTAG I2C Plus does it. I assume not since the CRC section of the above table says 2 bytes)

3. As an example, what would the CRC be for the default password 0xFFFFFFFF? 

I appreciate any information you can provide, especially since to me this information seems so sparse on the internet.


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