ARM: Hands-On Workshop: Developing ARM® mbed™ OS Applications with NXP Platforms

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ARM: Hands-On Workshop: Developing ARM® mbed™ OS Applications with NXP Platforms

ARM: Hands-On Workshop: Developing ARM® mbed™ OS Applications with NXP Platforms

ARM® mbed™ OS is an open source embedded operating system designed specifically for simplifying the development of scalable Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It includes all of the features you need to develop a connected-product based on ARM Cortex®-M microcontrollers such as Kinetis and LPC MCUs.  In this hands on workshop you will get familiar with the features of mbed OS and learn how to develop and debug mbed OS applications with a traditional IDE.

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Last update:
‎06-27-2017 07:08 AM
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