MCF52233DEMO Blink Led project

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MCF52233DEMO Blink Led project

Contributor I
I have MCF52233DEMO board and didnt work with coldfire processors or CW before, so I try to understand it. First of all I try to make most simple and small project (blink led), but if I use projects from Kirin 2E seminar or empty project from CW 6.3, it contains many files and use some interrupts (4, 7 and 11 for pushbuttons, timers with some tasks and so on), so Id like to create really simple project without unusefull files. Could somebody help to start with It, Thank You for any suggestions...
Regards, Rad
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5 Replies

Contributor I
Hi Simon,
The problem is, that MCF52235EVB use MCF52235 micro In 112pin package but MCF52233DEMO use MCF52233 in 80 pin package, so there are some difference in it. Anyway I will try it and Let You know. What exactly execute micro first after reset? Because in CW projects are many files and It didnt start from main. So, I expect it starts with some setting files (It ask Me for startup_asm...should it be the right starting point?), but I couldnt really recognize from which point it start and initialize. If I know It I can look at it and learn from It how to set the micro correctly.
Regards, Rad
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Contributor I
Hi, All!
I am beginner in ColdFire and other products of Freescale.
Is it here written about "cookbook from Kirin 2E MCF5223X Lab using M52233EVB, CodeWarrior and CF Init written by Mats Henriksson Field Application Engineer from Freescale) ".
Where I can get this?
Help me, please!
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Contributor II

You might want to take a look at a program called CFInit. This is a free tool which lets you write ColdFire initialisation code via a GUI interface. It runs on Windows, and is available from MicroAPL's web site:

(I work for MicroAPL, by the way. We're a small UK-based company that does ColdFire consultancy and code translation tools. We give away CFInit for free because Freescale paid us to develop it)

There are two features of CFInit that might particularly help you here:

(a) It contains a number of tested configurations for Freescale Evaluation Boards, including the M52223EVB,

(b) For some processors (including the 52223) you can generate a complete working CodeWarrior project.

The default project generated for the 52223 Evaluation Board is reasonably simple. It initialises the processor, leaves interrupts disabled, and enters a loop to flash an LED. Hopefully it might make a slightly simpler starting point.

Hope this helps

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Contributor I
Hi Simon,
Thank You for Your quick and helpfull answer, I tried to make project with CF init (Its really usefull tool, I use Silicon Labolatories microprocessors and they have similar tool called Configuration Wizzard..its cool if I dont have to search all registers in many hundred pages manual:-)) But I had to create project from CW 6.3 (I used "cookbook" from Kirin 2E MCF5223X Lab using M52233EVB, CodeWarrior and CF Init written by Mats Henriksson Field Application Engineer from Freescale) First He create configuration file, then on page 10 He wrote:

Start CW. Under “File” create a new stationary for M52235EVB, C based. Now we have all the programming algorithms etc we need. We need to add our init file to our project. Right click on “Support Files” and add file. This is the lazy way to get something running. The majority of the files are not needed. You can remove all files except “main.c”, “M52233DEMO_SRAM.lcf”, “C_4i_CF_Runtime.a” and “Init_file.c

If I make it and add some code (blink leds) in main file, it works, but there are some ints (as I wrote in previous message- e.g. 4 and 7 for pushbuttons, timers, and so on. Its from "empty" stationary created by CW). So, when I remove other files according His suggestion, CW says an errors (missing files). So can You say which files have to stay in this project? I have to say I used older CF (2.8.1 or so...) I can try newest CF I downloaded from Your web page today, but Im affraid it takes a bit more time to get something running because I dont have any tutorial or help for this new CF and there are a lot of possibilities..I dont know which is essential and which I can ommit. Anyway have a nice day..:smileywink:
Regards, Rad
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Contributor II
Hi Rad

I think the following steps are sufficient...

(1) Launch CFInit.
(2) Select the Freescale M52223EVB from the list of Evaluation Boards.
(3) For this simple test, don't make any modifications
(4) Select "Generate Code". Ignore the explanatory note about Flash programming.
(5) You should get offered the chance to create a complete CodeWarrior project. Following the directions, specify where to save it. Don't ask to generate sample interrupt handlers.
(6) Quit CFInit

(7) Now launch CodeWarrior and open the project you just created. It should have everything you need without too much extra stuff, whilst being a good basis for extending later. Hopefully you can just build and go.


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