MCF51QE - Little question about ISCOUT...very easy, but i don't know, please help

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MCF51QE - Little question about ISCOUT...very easy, but i don't know, please help

1,385 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, this is the question...i want to win a little of time here asking here, sorry...


Im working with de MCF51QE and it has in the module of internal source clock (ISC) an output that names ISCOUT. I configured this module to have a ISCOUT of 8MHz using the internal clock reference. I want to make a delay function using a FOR function (short time, want it to use it in the delay times of a LCD display), the question is: The instructions runs with the ISCOUT(8MHz) clock or with the bus clock? I know that the CPU runs with the ISCOUT....but im not fully sure...


Thanks for your help, but please help's a little one!



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467 次查看
Contributor I

Im going to take a look to the code. Thanks again Rich T.



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467 次查看
Senior Contributor II



Delay loops can be very tricky.  Instructions all take different times (see section 7.3.4 of the reference manual), but the worst thing is as you change compile options (like optimized code for production and unoptimized code for debug), or as you change system configuration options, all the delay loops get confused.


For this reason, when my system boots, I "calibrate" a delay loop based on (on the QE128) a real-time-clock interrupt.  I configure the rtc to interrupt every 1ms and then run a delay loop for 20ms (largely unnoticed at boot) and figure out my calibration factor.  Then if I ever attempt to delay with interrupts disabled, I fall back to the delay loop (otherwise I wait for the rtc to count off the appropriate number of 1ms interrupts).


If you want to see my code (it supports way more than the QE128, so you can ignore everything else), main.c shows the delay loop calibration, timer.c shows the rtc interrupt, and util.c shows the delay() function.


To answer your specific question, on the QE128, the CPU core (whose timing is shown in 7.3.4) runs with the ICSOUT -- see figure 1-2 and figure 1-3 in the RM.  One thing I feel compelled to mention here (since I got bit by it) is that there is a (fixed) divide by 2 for the internal peripherals *after* the BDIV divide, which if you are like me you want set to 1:1 (which is not the default).


-- Rich


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467 次查看
Senior Contributor II

Agh, and here are the files, attached.


Please note these attached files are hot off the press -- I just added QE128 support to StickOS, not to mention 5211, last week, and so they are not fully tested yet.  But you can get the full idea of how the delay loops auto-calibrate here.


(In the future (once the files are tested) the right place to get updated files from me is always here: )



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