/* * File: main.c * Purpose: sample program * */#include "support_common.h" /* include peripheral declarations and more */#include <stdio.h>/******************************************************************** * MCF5xxx ASM utility functions ********************************************************************/asm void asm_set_ipl(unsigned long) { link A6,#-8 movem.l D6-D7,(SP) move.w SR,D7 /* current sr */ move.l D7,D0 /* prepare return value */ andi.l #0x0700,D0 /* mask out IPL */ lsr.l #8,D0 /* IPL */ move.l 8(A6),D6 /* get argument */ andi.l #0x07,D6 /* least significant three bits */ lsl.l #8,D6 /* move over to make mask */ andi.l #0x0000F8FF,D7 /* zero out current IPL */ or.l D6,D7 /* place new IPL in sr */ move.w D7,SR movem.l (SP),D6-D7 lea 8(SP),SP unlk A6 rts }/********************************************************************/voidmcf5xxx_irq_enable (void){ asm_set_ipl(0);}/********************************************************************//* * Write new interrupt vector handler into the vector table * Return previous handler address **********************************************************/ uint32 mcf5xxx_set_handler (int vector, uint32 new_handler){ extern uint32 __VECTOR_RAM[]; uint32 old_handler; old_handler = (uint32) __VECTOR_RAM[vector]; __VECTOR_RAM[vector] = (uint32)new_handler; return old_handler;}/***********************************************************************************/__declspec(interrupt)void Gpt_IsrHandler(void){ MCF_GPTA_GPTFLG2 |= MCF_GPTA_GPTFLG2_TOF; // clear interrupt flag of channel 0 MCF_GPIO_PORTLD = 0x00;//light the LEDs}/***********************************************************************************/void GPT_Timer(void){ // open global Timer channel 0 interrupt of GPT MCF_INTC0_IMRH &= ~(1 | MCF_INTC_IMRH_INT_MASK41); // Specifies the interrupt level (1~7) and the priority within the level(0~7) for Timer channel 0 interrupt MCF_INTC0_ICR44 = MCF_INTC_ICR_IL(3) | MCF_INTC_ICR_IP(6); MCF_GPTA_GPTSCR2=(1 |MCF_GPTA_GPTSCR2_TOI //timer overflow interrupt enable |MCF_GPTA_GPTSCR2_PR_64); //65536/((60M/2)/64)=0.14s MCF_GPTA_GPTPACTL = (1| MCF_GPTA_GPTPACTL_CLK_GPTPR);// Select the GPT counter input clock MCF_GPTA_GPTFLG2 = MCF_GPTA_GPTFLG2_TOF; // clear flag of timer MCF_GPTA_GPTSCR1 = MCF_GPTA_GPTSCR1_GPTEN; // enable GPT }/**************************************************************************/int main(void){ mcf5xxx_irq_enable(); // setup interrupt handler of Timer Channel 0 of GPT mcf5xxx_set_handler(64 + 41, (uint32)Gpt_IsrHandler); GPT_Timer(); //LD port connect LED,set as GPIO function,output MCF_GPIO_PLDPAR = 0x00; MCF_GPIO_DDRLD = 0xff; while(1) { } }
One suggestion. I notice that you have:
The two values 41 and 44 are not consistent. Are you unmasking the wrong interrupt in the first line?
Hope this helps.
Dear All
I try this code and I change to
and test it.It is not 0.14s.is 0.28s why?
I debug it and I check MCF_GPTA_GPTFLG2 ,one time can clear,second time can not clear,thirth time can clear,fourth
time can not clear......why?
I use cw6.4.How to reader cpu vector base register CPU@ 0x 0800 etc?
by the way ,how to debug and check D6,D7,SR.....
asm void asm_set_ipl(unsigned long) {
link A6,#-8
movem.l D6-D7,(SP)
move.w SR,D7 /* current sr */
move.l D7,D0 /* prepare return value */
andi.l #0x0700,D0 /* mask out IPL */
lsr.l #8,D0 /* IPL */
move.l 8(A6),D6 /* get argument */
andi.l #0x07,D6 /* least significant three bits */
lsl.l #8,D6 /* move over to make mask */
andi.l #0x0000F8FF,D7 /* zero out current IPL */
or.l D6,D7 /* place new IPL in sr */
move.w D7,SR
movem.l (SP),D6-D7
lea 8(SP),SP
unlk A6