I got a twrmpc5125 board, with a TWR SER board.
I'm using MQX OS, with its libraries.
I have no problem with printf in other C modules, but when I add an additional module (with printf inside) I found:
Link error: Undefined: 'InitializedUART' Referenced from '__init_uart_console' in MSL_C.PPCEABI.bare.H.a
Where am I wrong?
I assume that the printf statements that work use a MQX library? And this new module is a bunch of code you pulled in from elsewhere? The error message points out that the new module is trying to use a bare-board implementation of the printf function, where bare-board means: "no OS, access the metal directly". If you're using the MQX OS to print, you need to modify the new module to call its printf function.