No Breakpoint markers in CodeWarrior 5.7.0 Build 2015, ColdFire MCF5282

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No Breakpoint markers in CodeWarrior 5.7.0 Build 2015, ColdFire MCF5282

2,163 次查看
Contributor II

I'm resonably new to using ColdFire & CodeWarrior, so please bear with me if i've missed the obvious.  When using PE Micro's Cyclone Max debugger in BDM Debug Stepper in SRAM mode on some projects, there are no breakpoint markers in some files and I cannot work out why.  Can anybody shed any light please?

Many Thanks

James Lawrence
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370 次查看
Specialist III
Can you please be more specific here?
Are you unable to set a breakpoint in some functions?
Make sure the function is actually linked to the application. If the function is not used the linker will not link it to the application.
In that case you will not be able to set a breakpoint in there.
Are you unable to see breakpoint mark in some file?
Which is the file extension of the file?
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370 次查看
Contributor II
Hi CrasyCat,

Thanks for your reply, and sorry I'm late to reply, I though I ticked the email me if someone replies box.

I have two projects neither of which I have written, just picking up where they left them, to finish bits & pieces off.  I'm not sure if our file structure is a typical one, as most of it was written in house (without much documentation making this even harder).  Our main file is ApplicationTasks.cpp where the main application runs and where the tasks are created, this is the particular file that i'm having problems with. 
One project when run with debugger, will display breakpoint markers (horizontal line in column to the left of the code) and allow me to select breakpoints there.  The other project when run with debugger, will not display markers and if I try to set a breakpoint, the breakpoint displays as a greyed out red dot.

I have compared the:
BDM Debug.lcf
between the two projects and have merged any differences that i though were relevant.


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370 次查看
Contributor II

I have solved the problem, the "Debug Info" check box in Project Inpsector was not checked in my project.


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