LS1046ARDB: Failed to start flash programming services using Code warrior TAP

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LS1046ARDB: Failed to start flash programming services using Code warrior TAP

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Contributor I

Following error is obtained while trying to initiate flash programming services on LS1046ARDB using code warrior TAP. We tried setting the RESET_REQ_B(SW4[8]) to OFF as suggested in the logs, but it didnt resolve the issu.   Attaching the for reference.

(gdb) source ../../gdb_extensions/flash/
Starting flash programmer services...
Starting local server...
Successfully started gdb server
Set gdb remote timeout to 7200
Connecting to target...
Using LS1046A SoC
Using CWTAP connected to local usb port
Using jtag speed 16000
Connecting to probe...
 connected successfully
Successfully connected to probe
Initializing target...
Running init script /home/vkchlt0239/Freescale2/CW4NET_v2019.01/CW_ARMv8/ARMv8/gdb_extensions/flash/scripts/../../../../Config/boards/
RCW error encountered. In order to diagnose the error temporarily change the board configuration switches to ignore the assertion of the RESET_REQ_B signal. Please refer to board reference manual in order to locate the appropriate switch that controls this behavior.
Error: fail to initialize target
Closing debugger server...
Error: fail to start flash programming services.

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950 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

There is no valid RCW on the target board.


Please configure switch setting SW5[1-8] SW4[1] as 0100_1111_1 to configure the target board as hard-coded RCW. 

After QSPI flash programming, please configure switch SW5[1-8] SW4[1] as 0010_0010_0 to configure the RCW source as QSPI flash on the target board.


If further assistance is needed, please feel free to let me know.

In addition, please refer to the attached script.

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