Error Flashing MPC5675K target

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Error Flashing MPC5675K target

Specialist II

I recently loaded CodeWarrior for MPC55xx, v2.8 and have a problem loading FLASH.  When the debugger starts, a reset macro runs then launches the programmer.  Prog erases, programs, and verifies FLASH.  The reset macro runs again after PROG closes.  I get an error when the reset macro runs for the 2nd time (see attached).  I am unable to Cancel, Try Again, or Continue.  My only option is to kill the debugger.


This occurs across various different projects and various different boards.  A collegue is able to FLASH the boards and run code as expected.  However, using the same project he did, I get the error above. 


The problem is related to my PC configuration but I don't know where to look for clues.  The project Apps Eng and P&E both have not been able to suggest a possible cause.


Any help will be much appreciated.  Thank you

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Specialist I

There's not much information to wotk with here.


What are the hardware specs for your machine versus the machine that works? Are the operating systems the same?




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