CW 10.1 Compiler Crashing

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CW 10.1 Compiler Crashing

Specialist V



I am trying to build a Coldfire project with CW 10.1.


The project is OK with CW 7.2 but causes the compiler to crash when a certain file is compiled with CW 10.1:


"C:/Program Files/Freescale/CW_MCU_v10_1_SE/MCU/ColdFire_Tools/Command_Line_Tools/mwccmcf" @@"Hardware/M5223X/M5223X.args" -o "Hardware/M5223X/M5223X_c.obj" "C:/Users/Mark/V2_workspace_temp/uTaskerV1-4/Hardware/M5223X/M5223X.c" -MD -gccdep
C:\Program Files\Freescale\CW_MCU_v10_1_SE\gnu\bin\make: *** [Hardware/M5223X/M5223X_c.obj] Error -1073741819


Optimisation is set to level 4 for size (same as in CW7.2).

After some experimenting I found that it no longer crashed when inlining is disabled (all other inlining combinations tested caused the crash).


For the moment inlining has been deactivated - checking the CW7.2 project also "smart bottom-up inlining" was being successfully used.


I suppose that there have been some compiler changes between the versions and this is new.





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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


yes, the compiler is newer/different in 10.1. I suggest you submit a service request so this bug can be fixed.



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Specialist V



Yes, I will try to submit one shortly - at the moment I am still fighting to get the CW10.1 project configured and running.


Although I have experience with using Eclipe based projects (Eclipse, Yagarto, Atollic, AVR32 studio - and now CW10.1) I have never actually enjoyed working with them since they are so slow, overly complicated and unreliable. Also I never managed to get external make files working or to configure multiple projects that shared main resources, which means that - apart from configuring reference projects for them - I would avoid actually working with them for real projects due to the loss of efficiency compared to solutions like CW7, IAR, Keil, Rowley etc.


I am hoping that CW10.1 will turn out to be at bit different but it looks like it will need some practice and patience - but time will tell..






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Contributor II

Hi mjbcswitzerland and Marc

I  work with CW7 for CF V2 ans CW6.3 for CFV1 thins 4 years and I agree totaly with you.


CW10 and more CW10.1 is totaly unreliable comparatively with CW7.

CW10.1 is very slow just opening the project (fetching children...) if your project as a lot a files particularely.

It hangs and crash the  workspace matadata directories and makes them unusable.

This is due to Java applications generaly.


I can't understand that Freescale accepts  this kind of problems without reactions and continue to propose this solution.


A good IDE-Compiler must be an OS native solution  to work correctly and never  use for example the poor virtual machine as for example the Java virtual machine.


If you find solutions for using CW10.1 without this problems please let me know it, I will do the same for you.


I just discover that if a 'complex" projecj is already created with CW10 it crawls anormaly  when  opening with CW10.1

The solution is to rebuild totaly a new CW10.1 workspace for the same project and so it begins to become usable...









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Contributor I

I can't vouch for CW directly, however I have been using Eclipse for cross development extensively with a large code base, 2 mil+ lines, the Linux kernel sources and a large number of directories.

I can say that it is useful to increase the default memory heapsize when launching Eclipse as I did run out of memory,

I've also found that disabling the C++ autoindexing helps opening projects, although then you lose some functionality.


I normally link to external directory trees rather than have them copied into the workspace.  Don't know if this makes a difference in performance.  Have noticed that with very large source files opened scrolling may hiccup, but does work.

Also noticed that if I overlap the external directory trees in two or more opened projects, Eclipse seems to have trouble.


For using existing makefiles, I like to create specific make targets that I can then right-click on the makefile to run.  I've done this to launch the Linux gconfig for example, then can launch a kernel build as well from within Eclipse.



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