Renaming a project in CW 5.7 for HC08

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Renaming a project in CW 5.7 for HC08

Contributor I
Is there any easy way of renaming projects in CW 5.7?  I have an old project that I want to use as a starting point for a new project, but I want to rename all the files that were created with the original name. This would include the .MCP file, the C file that contains main(), the output hex files, and a few others.  Thanks.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
There is no action renaming all those things at once. For CW those are independent names, that they happen to start with the same letters has no special meaning.
To rename the project/mcp, just use windows explorer or open it with CW and do a save as.
For project files, open the project, open the file to rename via Files tab and then use File->Save as. This will save the file with the new name, and at the same time also adapt the project references.
The output ELF file has to be renamed in the Linker settings. The SRecord name is in the default setup derived from the ELF file name.


Senior Contributor IV
While you're at it, you might want to throw away the junk binaries created by CW at linking and placed into the directory "ProjectName_Data". If you rename the project, a new directory will be created but the old one remain.