Renaming a Project

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Renaming a Project

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Contributor I

I'm looking to change the name of my project without having to completely start it all over. I initially started it as a learning piece but now it has become what I intend to use as a final project.

I would like to change if from test2 to something like main_project or something.

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1,013 次查看
Specialist III


Here is how I would  do it:

1- To change the .mcp file name
    If you are not using Processor Expert,
         Open a Window Explorer
         Browse for your project directory
         Just rename the .mcp file to anything you wish (make sure to keep the
          extension .mcp though).
     If you are using Processor Expert,
         Open a Window Explorer
         Browse for your project directory
         Just rename the .mcp, .dsk, .pe & .G_C file to anything you wish (make
          sure to use the same base name for the 3 files).

 2- To change the Build Target Name
      Start the IDE
      Open the new project
      Open the Target Settings Dialog
      In the "Target Settings" Panel Change the name to anything you want.

  3- To change the name of the main.c source file
      Start the IDE
      Open the project
      Open the source file main.c in an edit window.
      Select File -> Save As and change the source file name. The new source file
       will automatically replace the old one in the project.  


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1,013 次查看
Contributor I
Thanks, that worked great. That was exactly what I was wanting to do.

I have one other problem currently that I can't seem to figure out.

I keep getting this warning and can't seem to get it to go away.

L1912: Object _Vector_39 overlaps with another (last addr: 0x10000, object addr: 0xFFB0)
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1,013 次查看
Specialist III


Apparently you have two objects (Symbols) allocated at address 0xFFB0. I cannot tell more from the message.

To investigate what is happening here I would proceed as follows:

 - Open the file .map generated in the project bin directory
 - Look for a section called "OBJECT LIST SORTED BY ADDRESS" there
 - Look at what is allocated at 0xFFB0. You should be able to come up with

I hope this helps.


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1,013 次查看
Contributor I
Here is what the end of my OBJECT LIST SORTED BY ADDRESS section looks like... I'm not sure where to look for the _Vector stuff to even change anything.

Scroll_Timer_Enable 7C04 10 16 1 Scroll_Timer_CODE
_vect FF80 80 128 0 .abs_section_ff80
_Vector_39 FFB0 2 2 0 .abs_section_ffb0
_Vector_38 FFB2 2 2 0 .abs_section_ffb2
_Vector_37 FFB4 2 2 0 .abs_section_ffb4
_Vector_36 FFB6 2 2 0 .abs_section_ffb6
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1,013 次查看
Specialist III


Could you possibly provide me with the .map file?


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1,013 次查看
Contributor I
If I only knew how to send a file I would do that no problem. Can you tell me how to send you a file?

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1,013 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee
there is a Attachment area just below the area any text is typed in.
Just enter the path to your map file, or press the browse button.

Note: Zip it first, for whatever reason it only allows to attach certain filetypes.
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1,013 次查看
Contributor I
CrasyCat: Here is my map file. Please let me know if you can see if there is anything wrong with it that may be causing my problem.

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1,013 次查看
Specialist III


OK as far as I can tell you are using ProcessorExpert to generate low level drivers for your application and you are using your own CAN drivers.

Am I right?

The point is that Processor Expert is initializing the whole vector table in vectors.c, so there is an overlap when you are trying to initialize CAN vectors with some other values.

In order to fix the problem do the following:
  - Edit the file  canhcs12.c
  - Make sure that there is no vector number associated with the functions
     gCan_TxIntHandler, Can_RxIntHandler, gCan_ErrIntHandler &
     Change a line like:
        interrupt 39 void gCan_TxIntHandler(void)
        interrupt void gCan_TxIntHandler(void)
 - For each of the interrupt source enumerated above, add an InterruptVector
   Bean. Make sure to select the appropriate interrupt vector and specify the
   corresponding function name.

Processor Expert will insert the address of the specified function in his vector table.

This should do it.

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1,013 次查看
Specialist III


Would need more info to understand what you are looking for.

Which processor are you targeting (HC08, HC12, Coldfire, ...)?

Which version of CodeWarrior are you using? You can retrieve that information selecting Help -> About Metrowerks Code Warrior or Help -> About Freescale CodeWarrior and pressing Installed Products button.

Are you looking for a way to change the name of the executable, generated by CodeWarrior, the name of the build target as it appears in the .mcp window or the name of the mcp (project) file? 


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1,013 次查看
Contributor I
I'm currently working with a MC9S12C128.

CodeWarrior version: CodeWarrior Development Studio for Motorola HC12 3.1, build 4047

I would like to change everything over to a new name. The executable, the main file names, the build target in .mpc and the name of the .mpc file.

I want nothing to refer to or reference test2 which is the name of the project when I first started it.

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