OpenSDA option grayed out in CW 10.3

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OpenSDA option grayed out in CW 10.3

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Contributor III

Hi All,


I just received the FRDM-K20D50M board for development. My question is when you create a new project in CW 10.3, why is the OpenSDA option for debuggers grayed out (it's the only one grayed out)? I was able to select USB Multilink and manually select OpenSDA from the debugger preferences to get it to work, but shouldn't there be a more straightforward way to do this?


Also, an irritating thing that keeps happening is that if I debug an application once, the debugger won't be able to connect a second time. I have tried different settings, other connection profiles, and it keeps having a problem. If I create a new project it will connect fine the first time and then stop connecting after that.


I have a USB Multilink that I can use but I shouldn't be having so much trouble with a built-in debugger/programmer.

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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


at the time of the release of CodeWarrior for MCU10.3, that board with OpenSDA did not exist: that's why it is grayed out.

But as you say: you can use the P&E connection and then switch to the OpenSDA (see A new Freedom Board: FRDM-K20D50M with ARM Cortex M4 | MCU on Eclipse).

About debugging: the OpenSDA has two modes: MSD (bootloading via Mass Storage Device) or debugging. For debugging you need to first load the SDA 'debug application). So you need first to reset the board with the reset button pressed, then load the Debug App. See OpenSDA on the Freedom KL25Z Board | MCU on Eclipse

I hope this helps.

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6 Replies
Contributor III

I'm adding a link to this discussion. The SWD option in the debugger is important.

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


at the time of the release of CodeWarrior for MCU10.3, that board with OpenSDA did not exist: that's why it is grayed out.

But as you say: you can use the P&E connection and then switch to the OpenSDA (see A new Freedom Board: FRDM-K20D50M with ARM Cortex M4 | MCU on Eclipse).

About debugging: the OpenSDA has two modes: MSD (bootloading via Mass Storage Device) or debugging. For debugging you need to first load the SDA 'debug application). So you need first to reset the board with the reset button pressed, then load the Debug App. See OpenSDA on the Freedom KL25Z Board | MCU on Eclipse

I hope this helps.

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Senior Contributor I

Any prayer MSD will be available for folks to implement in their own products? Customers would love to update that way.

Steven Cohen

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


not sure what you mean? If this is about having a MSD bootloader, then yes. I have for example an MSD bootloader for my MCF51JM128 projects.

mcuoneclipse/Examples/TWR-LCD/TWR-LCD JM128 Bootloader/readme.txt at master · GitHub

My goal is to have something similar for the Freedom board: combining Serial Bootloader for the Freedom Board with Processor Expert | MCU on Eclipse with USB MSD Host for the Freedom Board | MCU on Eclipse.

That way I can load the new firmware onto a memory stick, plug it into the target board and it will program the new firmware :-). Basics are working, but not completed yet. I still have the week-end ahead of me :-)

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Contributor III


Thanks for the information! The SWD option was what I was missing. After I enabled it, the debugger started working each time.

Is this located in the documentation for the OpenSDA somewhere?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

SWD (Single Wire Debug) is very different from JTAG debugging.


As a hint: if it has this small 10 pin debug connector, it is very likely a SWD target.

If you do not select SWD, then OpenSDA tries to do JTAG debugging, which does not work with a SWD connection.

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