Hex into Assembly

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Hex into Assembly

Contributor I

TL;DR I have a .hex file from a MC9S08DZ60 that I need to upload somehow into another blank MC9S08DZ60. How do I go about it? What do I do?

The long story:

I was tasked with flashing a .hex file that was extracted from a (Supposedly) working sensor tester that used a MC9S08DZ60 onto another blank MC9S08DZ60.

Now the thing is: I'm an absolute n00b on MCU's. The n00best n00b you've ever heard of, and I don't know what to do. Honestly, I don't even know if I'm using the word "Flashing" correctly. To be completely clear: The MC9S08DZ60 used on the working sensor tester had a program. That program was extracted by a third party, somehow converted into a hex file and was handed over to me. I was tasked to "Upload whatever the heck that MCU is running onto a blank"... So the program that THAT MCU is running, I need it to run in another one. That's it. I had one MC9S08DZ60 running a program... I need two MC9S08DZ60's running the same program. I got the hex. That's my starting point. 

All that just to be clear on terminology. Remember: I have the same experience with this as a toddler would have.

So, I've read snippits of information here and there and tried a few things: I've already dissasembled the hex using the -Proc=HCS08 instruction, and the output was a .lst with a HEX to ASCII and (What I presume is) the assembly code for the MCU. I was excited... Until I tried copypasting the code into two projects (For relocated assembly and absolute assembly, configured both for a MC9S08DZ60) and failing MISERABLY at building them... So I failed on that front and I've been stuck in there for a good 2 days.

Honestly, was expecting to get something like EEPROM's where you just get the hex file, select the chip and upload it... But yeah. N00b expectations.

Other than, I've put the blank onto a third party ICSP-ready board and already have a PE Micro USB Multilink Interbase Freescale Enabled interface... So I think hardwarewise I'm ready to go. Problem is just that I'm a dummy dumb dumb on software.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated and I'm available to upload or reference anything I've done and have up 'till this point to get any advice. THANK YOU! 

- Truly yours,

The n00biest n00b that ever n00b'd.

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1 Reply

Contributor I

Sorry for the title. Maybe not the most approriate...

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