CodeWarrior 10 questions

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CodeWarrior 10 questions

Contributor I



So here's a few issues I can't seem to find the solution to for Codewarrior 10, specifically 10.4 professional for MCUs.  I'm coming from Codewarrior 7.1 and it seems that some of the basic conveniences are lost.


1.  Is it possible to automatically switch back to the previous perspective after terminate the debug connection?  This is kind of a hassle to have to manually switch perspectives when I'm finished debugging. 


2.  Is there a way to set it so that when I hit a breakpoint during debugging the debug pane goes straight to where that breakpoint occured?  I'm developing a program based on MQX 3.8 and there's about a dozen threads running on it.  Whenever I hit a breakpoint I have to scroll through the list of threads and their stacks to find out which one it is.


3.  Also on the topic of debugging, every time I step through code everything in the debug stack refreshes.  Is there something I can do about this?  It means that every step takes about a second to execute.


4.  Only the unsigned char data type is formatted by the debugger as a string.  Is there a way to changed that to recognize the char datatype also?


5.  In Codewarrior 7.1 you could right click on a variable in the code while debugging and there was an option to view the variable and also an option to view memory.  Codewarrior 10 doesn't seem to have that option.  I can view the memory of variables in the variable list but if it's a global variable I have to first add it to the variable list and then view the memory from there.  Is there an easier way?


thanks in advance

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1 解決策
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Carl,

1. Unfortunately not. This is a limitation of Eclipse, and a long standing wish. I have tried the Perspective Switcher plugin mentioned in How to make Eclipse (C++) switch from/to Debug perspective automatically? - Stack Overflow, but somehow it did not work for me. However what works very well is after terminating the debug session, I press CTRL-SHIFT-F8, and it switches the perspective.

2. It does for me (jumps to the location), but I'm not using the MQX kernel awareness. Maybe this is cause this for you.

3. Same as for 2, but looks like this is a bug of the MQX kernel awareness plugin. I recommend to file a service request on this one.

4. Yes, a known problem, see Eclipse Debugging with Strings | MCU on Eclipse and Eclipse Debugging with Strings – Part 2 | MCU on Eclipse. The next Eclipse version should come with an improvement here.

5. Unfortunately I don't know an easer way.

I hope this helps.


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1 返信
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Carl,

1. Unfortunately not. This is a limitation of Eclipse, and a long standing wish. I have tried the Perspective Switcher plugin mentioned in How to make Eclipse (C++) switch from/to Debug perspective automatically? - Stack Overflow, but somehow it did not work for me. However what works very well is after terminating the debug session, I press CTRL-SHIFT-F8, and it switches the perspective.

2. It does for me (jumps to the location), but I'm not using the MQX kernel awareness. Maybe this is cause this for you.

3. Same as for 2, but looks like this is a bug of the MQX kernel awareness plugin. I recommend to file a service request on this one.

4. Yes, a known problem, see Eclipse Debugging with Strings | MCU on Eclipse and Eclipse Debugging with Strings – Part 2 | MCU on Eclipse. The next Eclipse version should come with an improvement here.

5. Unfortunately I don't know an easer way.

I hope this helps.

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