CW10.4 feedback

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CW10.4 feedback

Senior Contributor II



I am using CW4.0 on my Win7 64 machine. I use MQX3.7 and MQX4.0.


I have projects which I have imported from CW3.X and have suddenly come up with some strange things in the last couple of days (one project appears ok, most others just dont work anymore).


1. Debugger screen just went missing even though it was working yesterday... (have done full reboot, removed project and re added it, still missing). I have not re installed CW4 (although I did several times the other day when we had other issues with it which turned out to be a compiler issue)



The "Connection:" just vanished on a couple of the projects (on the main tab on the screen above). Not sure why, it did work, and I dont know how to make one properly, and im sick of finding things missing so I guess I will start from scratch..


If I have a problem programming one project (get some error during programming so it never gets to run/debug), then switch projects, you cant debug again as it says the debugger is already running. Looks like its not cleaning up after itself. Requires a full restart of CW4.


Starting large projects from scratch (due to the above issues) is a real pain. One of the most annoying things is the 30 path's that all need individual adding. I have requested this gets fixed ever since we moved to eclipse, which is now years and half a dozed releases.


Check it out: Is it really that hard to make a check list so you can just tick which folders are included in the path? or a recursive option?




There also is a problem with two projects with same launch configuration names (totally different project names, but both share MC4P as the .elf and launch config. I had one project debugging the other project for a day without realising (as I was soak testing). When I cleaned the unrelated project I thought it was loading based on the software output, then BOOM, the project I was debugging would no longer program with the flash programmer console output finishing saying "Flash programmer file empty" just after the erase cycle, and that 0x00000000 to 0x0007FFFF was not in range or something. I meant to copy and paste the log from the programmer but forgot, sorry. Also, I manually pointed to the correct elf, and tried saying search project and both had the same result, it was using the elf from a totally different project.

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5 Replies

Senior Contributor II

Hi Guys,

I just switched build configurations on my project (MQX4 based, ColdfireV2, Win7, CW4), and it broke all the build configurations as it has some how forced these two files to not be able to be included... Below the two arrows show the box's that are missing that allow you to include the two header files..

Can someone please tell me how to force these box's to appear again so I can manage my project?


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Senior Contributor II

Ok, so there appears to be a bug in CW10.4. If you have a file that is excluded from some build configurations and not others, you cant re include / exclude those header files.

There is also no reference to the icon being different for files that are included in some, and not other build configurations.

Summary, 10.4 needs some work for people using multiple build configurations.

I would still like to know how to manage this, and how to fix it.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Carl,

that really looks odd: it looks to me that Eclipse was not able to load the plugins to show the panels.

Can you start eclipse with -clean from the command line/shortcut? This well re-scan the plugins.

About recursive include paths: that might depend on the compiler you are using. For ColdFire for example there is a 'recursive' path option:


I hope this helps.

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Senior Contributor II

Hi Eric,

The debugger screen has gone missing on another project again. It is very much project specific.

I have gone Run > debug config and under "Codewarrior Download" I have 12 options for 2 projects. One entire project has the "Debugger" screen empty, the other is there an working normally. starting with -clean does nothing to fix the project specific problem...



Half the problem is the entire project is fully customised (like a days work), they are all configured with custom paths, linkers, output files not to mention the files and build process etc etc etc, it is not a quick job to fix this, and there is so much risk that I can make a mistake. How do I FORCE it to work? How do I get it to recognise the debugger interface???

I am in the middle of a production release to a couple of thousand field units which engineers and staff are waiting on...

I guess I will be rebuilding everything from scratch as I cant wait for a response.

update: I have been copying Run/Debug settings recently using "Duplicate", renaming things, and applying things to all projects or individual project. One of these is causing the problem! Something you can do when updating all, or each project is corrupting something to do what that screen.

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Senior Contributor II


I had restarted, and reboot my computer. I ended up importing about a dozen projects, then, suddenly  I imported an old project and it all started working...

Recursive paths in that section is only for the compiler, so pretty useless. You have to add everything into the actual paths otherwise nothing else will work in eclipse.



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