"dual_sbl" file not found

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"dual_sbl" file not found

3,149 次查看
Contributor III

"\boards\<board_name>\dual_sbl\lpc55xx_dsbl_app\cm33_core0\tools" in the path dual_sbl not found.

EVK: LPC55s69

working on Secondary bootloader demo . Following the steps as mentioned in document- AN12327

Downloaded SDK 2.8.0 and dsbl and dsbl_app working with that SDK.

Got stuck in page num 10 , step 6 of attached document.




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1 解答
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Deeps_bang 

The file is enclosed in AN12327SW. Please download it from 



Hope this helps,

Jun Zhang


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3,136 次查看
Contributor III

Thank you for above solution. 

Need clarity on one more issue.i.e

"Hold Wake-up button (7), and then press the RESET button. This forces DSBL to enter boot loader mode. In this mode,
DSBL does not boot any application, but waits for UART connection."


After doing this step as mentioned in demo steps in attached document , my device is not entering to bootloader mode .

bootloader COM port is not Visible in Device Manager.

have attached command window and serial terminal execution details for reference.




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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


After you execute "Hold Wake-up button (7), and then press the RESET button. This forces DSBL to enter boot loader mode. In this mode,DSBL does not boot any application, but waits for UART connection.", you didn't see valid uart port in windows device manager?

if not, you need to check 

- if your bootloader code is successful download. 

- use this sequence  "power off the board, press wakeup botton, power on the board" to replace ""Hold Wake-up button (7), and then press the RESET button.". Can it fix the problem?

- if no, check the bootloader code in debug mode, can uart port work?


Jun Zhang

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3,036 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Jennie,

I worked on demo steps  mentioned in document AN12327.

It worked fine with Wake up and Reset switch  assert.

But when i tried with Commands instead of Wake up its showing hardfault error.

Here i am attaching code for reference.

What am i missing??

Do i have to disable interrupts ??

will this work with the following design environment:

Board: LPC55s69JBD100


IDE: MCUXpresso 11.6.0

Any inputs on this would be greatly appreciable.

Thank you.

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3,064 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Jennie,

Thank you for the help.

Now i could run the bootloader with Wakeup button.

But , now trying with without Wakeup by building 'dsbl_app' -main.c file .

Built that file both ways . once by enabling reinvoke() and disabling set_update_flag() and viceversa.

buts not entering bootloader mode. No response from UART port.

Have  attached Command window Screenshot.

What am i missing??

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3,060 次查看
Contributor III

hi Jennie,

as in attached 'Capture3_CW.PNG'  ..why not getting response for ping command.

Is it in bootloader mode ???

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3,059 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Jennie,

Getting Hard fault error when tried to execute with sbl_api-> reinvoke() or sbl_api->set_update_f;ag() command.

Have attached screenshot for reference.

These commands work with LPC55s69JBD100.???

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3,142 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Deeps_bang 

The file is enclosed in AN12327SW. Please download it from 



Hope this helps,

Jun Zhang

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