USB TAP failed to initialize xROM (internal flash 56F8367)

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USB TAP failed to initialize xROM (internal flash 56F8367)

Contributor II

Could someone please compile the following simple code and then use USB TAP to load it? From xMAP file I searched for .const .data and found the tool reserved 3 words for the string at xROM starts at $4000. However after loading, I used USB TAP read back and found the data were not defined at address 0x4000 (expect to see $31 $32 $33 $34 and $00) . I'm not sure what am I missing so could someone please try to help?





volatile char *s_pointer;      // defined as global variable


void Uart1_PutString(s)

char *s;


               s_pointer=s;                       // other interrupt routine TX_isr() uses s_pointer to load the string character into TX                                                           // register such as io.sci1.scidr=*(s_pointer++) until NUL char;

               io.sci1.scicr |= TRANSMITTER_EMPTY_INT;           // enable TX interrupt which calls TX_isr() 



Uart1_PutString("1234");                        // pass pointer of const string to funtion()

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