ask help about Assembly Language

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ask help about Assembly Language

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Contributor I

i study assembly language now,in function asm_set_ipl:

i see a instruction as following,but i dont konw the meaning of 8 that at the left of programer reference datasheet,i dont find the explanation,who can help me or tell me where can find some stuff about it?

    move.l  8(A6),D6    /* get argument  */

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1 解答
414 次查看
Senior Contributor V

Dear Robert,


 The instruction loads a longword (4 bytes) from the memory address calculated from the sum of A6 and an offset of 8 from the instruction.  The longword is loaded into D6.


An example with numbers:


Say A6 contains 0x10000

mem[0x10008..0x1000B] => D6


It is likely that A6 is being used as a frame pointer and the 8 is an offset into the stack frame used to pass parameters to the function (from C code?).




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1 回复
415 次查看
Senior Contributor V

Dear Robert,


 The instruction loads a longword (4 bytes) from the memory address calculated from the sum of A6 and an offset of 8 from the instruction.  The longword is loaded into D6.


An example with numbers:


Say A6 contains 0x10000

mem[0x10008..0x1000B] => D6


It is likely that A6 is being used as a frame pointer and the 8 is an offset into the stack frame used to pass parameters to the function (from C code?).



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