Problems with fstream( )

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Problems with fstream( )

Contributor I

These days I've started to check out a few things about the C++ support of the CodeWarrior (V. 5.7.1844). I created a small C++ Project and I tried to get the following to run:


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream.h>


using namespace std;

void readFile()
    fstream inOut("test.txt", ios::in | ios::smileysurprised:ut);



I always get the Compile Error message: "Error: too many initializers" :smileysurprised:


If I remove the openemode flags it normally should compile,too , because there is a default parameter in the constructor, but this:

fstream inOut("text.txt");


delivers the compile error:

 "Error: implicit conversion from 'const char[9]' to 'std::basic_fstream<char, std::char_traits<char>>'


I have checked all the target settings and the include file contents, but i cannot find a solution to solve the compile errors.


Has anybody an idea ?


Thanks in Advance


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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

use #include <fstream> and not the pre-ansi  #include <fstream.h>.


According to



The constructor you are trying to use is explicit, so you have to call it explicitely.

Without having it tried:

fstream inOut = fstream("text.txt");



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Contributor I

Hello Daniel,

thanks for your quick answer and sorry for my stupid typing error about the fstream.h extension. Yes of course, I have included it this way in my test programm: #include<fstream> (next time I better do copy and paste), but it does not change the compile error message. Here I have another code snippet below where I tried to get it compilable, but I am not able to solve the problem. You're suggestion about the constructor call delivers another compile error ?


I will be very thankful for advises.

Thanks Marc



// fstream is just forwarded to basic_fstream in file "iosfwd"

template <class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT> >
class basic_fstream;

typedef basic_fstream<char, char_traits<char> >  fstream;


// The called constructor basic_fstream in file "fstream"
explicit basic_fstream(const char* s,

                                          ios_base::smileysurprised:penmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::smileysurprised:ut);




#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>


#include "test.h"


using namespace std;


void readFile()
  // Error   : too many initializers
  //             test.cpp line 14    fstream inOut("test.txt", ios::in | ios::smileysurprised:ut);
  fstream inOut("test.txt", ios::in | ios::smileysurprised:ut);


  // Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class
  //             'std::basic_fstream<char, std::char_traits<char>>'
  //              test.cpp line 18    fstream inOut2 = fstream("test.txt");
  fstream inOut2 = fstream("test.txt");


  // Error   : illegal use of incomplete struct/union/class

  //            'std::basic_fstream<char, std::char_traits<char>>'
  //            test.cpp line 22    fstream inOut3 = fstream("test.txt", ios::in | ios::smileysurprised:ut);
  fstream inOut3 = fstream("test.txt", ios::in | ios::smileysurprised:ut);
 const char c[] = "text.txt";
 ios_base::smileysurprised:penmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::smileysurprised:ut;
 // Error   : template argument list expected
 //             test.cpp line 35   explicit basic_fstream(const char* s, 
 //                                     ios_base::smileysurprised:penmode mode = ios_base::in | ios_base::smileysurprised:ut);
 fstream inOut4 = fstream(c, mode);



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Contributor I

Oh what a disaster. Now I found the reason for the compile errors by using fstream( ).

I wondered why it makes no difference if I #include<fstream> or not. The reason is

that the basic_fstream class is commented out by preprocessor define _MSL_NO_FILE_IO

in the include file <fstream>.


So the compiler sees just the following forward declaration.....


// fstream is just forwarded to basic_fstream in file "iosfwd"
template <class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT> >
class basic_fstream;
typedef basic_fstream<char, char_traits<char> > fstream;


.....but the implementation of class basic_fstream is missing.

So I thought no problem...comment out #define _MSL_NO_FILE_IO an it works.

No way, when I comment it out I got other compile error in Metrowerks MSL library:



Error : undefined identifier 'fclose'

(point of instantiation: 'readFile()')

(instantiating: 'Metrowerks::c_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~c_filebuf()')

(instantiating: 'Metrowerks::c_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::close()')

msl_c_filebuf line 323 if (_CSTD::fclose(file_) != 0)

(corresponding point of instantiation for 'Metrowerks::c_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::close()')

msl_c_filebuf line 141 }

(corresponding point of instantiation for 'Metrowerks::c_filebuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>::~c_filebuf()')

test.cpp line 30 }



Either the fstream support does not work when using MSL with E68k, or I have to activate/deactivate other precompiler seeting here. Has any body of you experience with this kind of problem.


Thanks in Advance



P.S. Info from MSL C++ Manual:

_MSL_NO_FILE_IO: This flag allows you to turn off file support while keeping memory mapped streams (stringstream) functional.

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