IDE Automation in code warrior V6.2

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IDE Automation in code warrior V6.2

3,821 次查看
Contributor I

Dear all,

During writing code i have insert every comment manually by putting two back slash in ever line !

I want to add cooment button in IDE Menu which will comment and uncomment code as per block automatically! I go through following web site but still finding it difficult how it works?

I have copied perl code in text file ! so it directly open text file !when i give extention  .exe it gives error ! Any body guid me how to run this script in detail steps!

Thank you!

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12 回复数

772 次查看
Specialist I

1) Do you have Perl installed?

2) The .exe extension you're talking about should contain the pathname to the Perl executable, as well as its file name, per the Wiki.

3) What is the exact error message that you're getting?



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772 次查看
Contributor I

I dont have perl installed and i am not allowed to do so! Error i am getting is a dilogbox "16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem" which contain following message


The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.

CS:056c IP:024c OP:62 61 6b 20 71 Choose 'close ' to terminate application


Message Edited by rajanjoshe on 2009-04-07 05:22 AM
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772 次查看
Contributor III

The scripting you  refer to is using Perl.

If you don't have Perl and are not allowed to install it, it will not work.





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772 次查看
Contributor I
is there any alternate way?
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772 次查看
Contributor III

Not sure about your version, I'm using 7.1, but look in the {Install}/Help directory for a file named IDE_*_Automation_Guide (I have both a PDF and a CHM version).

In 7.1 it refers to

- IDE Batch-Mode Processing

- Command Window Scripting using Tcl

- Microsoft COM automation





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772 次查看
Contributor I

Where i will get exact guidance?

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772 次查看
Contributor III

What do you mean, "exact guidance"?

Can you find the document I indicated?

What more do you expect?


Or asked differently, what do you want to achieve?


It's all in there, but it will not show you the basics of CMD.EXE, TCL or OLE/COM.





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772 次查看
Contributor I

I have installed this version of perl and on command prompt i give command



e:rajan\txt> perl



but nothing happens!

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772 次查看
Specialist I

First, try to execute some of the sample Perl scripts that came with the Perl installation to confirm that you have a working Perl setup.

Next, follow the steps in the Installation section of the Nokia Wiki exactly, to set up the paths to the the Perl executable and to the scripts. Without the paths to the executable and the scripts, it's not going to work.




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772 次查看
Contributor I

My version is CW V6.2 !

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772 次查看
Contributor I

Dear Sir ,

kindly not to consider the wrong meaning !!

As you was not sure about version so i said exact !

Meaning to say I would like to go documents which you will provide to me !

I only concern about comment button in my IDE or similar small functionality !For this i am expecteing a simple procedure !

So saying "exact" was not about you but to document where all these stuff are mentioned in simple  procedure!

By no way i mean to hert you !

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772 次查看
Contributor III

No offense taken, nor intended!

It's just that, without Perl-Installation and without using the Perl samples as given, using the COM-interface (Tcl or cmdIDE can apparently not do what you intended) is far from trivial.

But since, as you reported, you have now installed Perl,  it should be possible without too much hassle.


Best regards,



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