Code Warrior for MCU V10.2 (Eclipse) - Import Export Issues

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Code Warrior for MCU V10.2 (Eclipse) - Import Export Issues

Contributor II

I have a question that I could really use some help with. I have tried to use the import/export procedure to import and export projects between two installations of Codewarrior for MCU V10.2 (Eclipse) on different computers (both windows). When I clean and rebuild the project on the pc I transfer the project to, it will only build the last configuration that was used (FLASH OR RAM). I develop by using RAM most of the time, then deploy by programming to the FLASH, so I really need these two configurations. When I try to build the nonworking of the two configs, I get the following error (for example):

E:\\CW MCU v10.2\\gnu\\bin\\mingw32-make -j16 all
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `../Project_Settings/Linker_Files/MCF52259_Internal_Flash.lcf\’, needed by `PATH_PLAYER_6_20_12.elf\’. Stop.

The one workaround I have is to build the other config on the other PC and copy to file ”MCF52259_Internal_Flash.lcf” or ”MCF52259_Internal_Ram.lcf” (depending upon which one it’s missing) to the ”/Project_Settings/Linker_Files/” folder on the PC I’ve transferred the project to. That said, this is obviously not the proper way to do this; After all, isn't that what built in import/export functionality is for? Has anyone else had luck building the ”other” configuration once you’ve moved the file?

Thank You,


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3 返答(返信)

Specialist I

It appears that the Export function is only exporting the information for the project's active configuration.

Have you tried just copying the project folder out of the Eclipse workspace directory from the first system and placing it in the workspace folder on the second system?



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Contributor II

Thanks for the reply. I will try to simply move the whole folder over later today.


Does this import/export, move to a new computer, then build both configs cause any errors for you Tom? Anyone else?


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Contributor II

Hey all, so I've tried copying a project folder from one computer into the workspace folder on a second computer and it still only allowed the config that was active on the last computer (RAM, not FLASH) to be built... Does this work for anyone else? 

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