CW 10.2 on Linux

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CW 10.2 on Linux

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Contributor II

I thought that Linux users out there might be interested to know that CW 10.2 works on Linux Mint 12. This includes Processor Expert and debugging with the P&E Micro USB BDM.

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Contributor II

Looks like I also got CW10.2 working on gentoo as well......I'm still testing it and report back, but it did compile a small portion of MQX with no problems (once I modified paths).  I had to install CW10.2 on a ubuntu system first, then copy it over to my gentoo appears to work great after that.


Freescale/Metrowerks developers, could you please change the install script to use a system wide java for the installer, instead of looking for some unknown jre that seems to only be on Ubuntu?



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Hi, i have a problem over here... the thing is, i installed CW 10.2 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 x64, and it all went smoothly. No problems during the install, even the installer says it installed sucsesfully, BUT, when i try to run the IDE, nothing happens... 
When i double click on the /default-install-path/eclipse/cwide i see a little peak on the system monitor, but that's it, and CW never starts.


Does anyone know what it could be? I found this on google:


Acording to what i've understood with the page translator, i have to uninstall the openJDK, install Oracle JDK, and then install the CW. Well, i didn't exactly followed that order, but i tried erasing the CW folder, uninstall the openJDK, install Oracle JDK, and then re-installing CW. Again, CW installed with no problems, but I still can't get it to run. I have no error message or anything, it just doesn't start. :smileyfrustrated:





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Ari, I had the same problem. I found a solution here:


Here are the steps from that link:


So there is hope, and indeed there is a solution:

  1. Install ia32-libs (you find them in synaptic package manager)
  2. Go to
  3. Search for libxtst6_1.2.0 and download the 32-bit deb
  4. Search for libswt-gtk-3-jni_3.7.1 and download the 32-bit deb
  5. Search for libswt-gtk-3-java_3.7.1 and download the 32-bit deb
  6. Install the packages with sudo dpkg – i ‘path of the pkg’ in the same order as you downloaded it. (has to do with dependencies).
  7. Open CW with ./cwide, and now everything should be fine :-)

Kudos to David Reber providing above solution!

As an additional hint: there is a README.txt present in the installation CD/archive which has additional detailed steps for troubleshooting installation on Linux (thanks to Teo for providing that hint!)



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Contributor II

Would you please give the details on how you got it to install on Mint?


I've been trying to install on Gentoo, but the Install script keeps telling me that it can't find my Java JRE binaries.  Is there a special Environmental variable I need set before installing CW10.2?





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Contributor II

I did a fresh install of 32-bit Linux Mint 12 on a 64-bit PC, as well as on a 32-bit laptop. I chose the 32-bit version of Mint because I had previously experienced problems with trying to install CodeWarrior 10.2 on a 64-bit system.


After installing Mint, I installed CW 10.2 by simply following the instructions in 'Quick Start for Microcontrollers.pdf' that comes bundled in CW_MCU_v10.2_SE.tar. I didn't have to install anything else.


Everything worked, and still does, on both machines. I use CW 10.2 daily to develop and debug code for various Freescale devices. Problems that existed with previous versions of CW 10.x no longer exist: Processor Expert is fully functional, and I often use different PE Micro USB Multilink devices, without problems.

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ok, I fussed with this a bit more, not completely sure what I actually changed, but, suddenly it's working correctly on my 64 bit ubuntu station.


This will make life a LOT easier for me, if it will continue to run, because all of my other work is embedded linux, and, it was getting somewhat tiresome keeping a 'special' computer on the desk for dealing with this one project that has a jm60 in it.



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1,208 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Groz


Just out of curiosity, which version of Ubuntu do you use?



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Contributor I
Strange. On Mint/Debian at least, CW 10.2 tells me that it installs a bundled JRE. And indeed there seems to be one under /usr/local/Freescale, so I don't know why it would care about the system one. Maybe the installer itself needs Java though.
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Contributor II

cadahl wrote:
Strange. On Mint/Debian at least, CW 10.2 tells me that it installs a bundled JRE. And indeed there seems to be one under /usr/local/Freescale, so I don't know why it would care about the system one. Maybe the installer itself needs Java though.

Yes, apparently the installer itself needs Java, and doesn't find it for some really strange reason on my Gentoo system.  Is there some environmental variable not normally set in Gentoo that is set on other distros telling the installer where to find java?  This installer is the only program I've ever had with this problem.



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Contributor I

Is it running on a 32 bit, or 64 bit build ?  Using the Jungo or the libusb drivers for the p&e ?


I downloaded the new drivers from the p&e site, and installed the libusb variant onto an ubuntu maverick box, and seem to be having some troubles communicating with my target.  Wondering now if the problem is the linkage between CW and the P&E drivers, or, if it's actually a problem with my target.




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