Adding an .asm File to Project just as "blackboard"

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Adding an .asm File to Project just as "blackboard"

Contributor I

Hello folks,

A beginners question, so may be easy to solve! I have a project in CW5.1 (IDE 5.7) free edition, S08GT16A. And I have some old projects. Now I want to have a kind of a blackboard where I load the old .asm sources and copy the needed parts out of it. So I've added simply the old file, but now every time I click on "Make" the old file is compiled also! This is of course not wanted. How is it possible to leave that file out. I used a normal windows text editor up to now, but I think/hope it is possible in CW too.

Best regards,


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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ralph,


If you add the .asm files into the project the build tools expect these files are part of project and since .asm extension is mapped to HC08 assembler these files are compiled.

 There are the options to avoid compilation of these source files:


1) You can rename the files you add to e.g *.txt and add them into the project. ".txt" extension is not used by any compiler. You can check the extension mappings (Project Settings - ALT+F7 -> "File Mappings")




2) Create a new target (in case your project has just one) and assign all the .asm files you don't want to compile exclusively to this new target. Than change the target back to the original. The original target includes all the files that you intend to compile (files can be enabled/disabled by the clicking on black dot in project manager -> target icon column).




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Contributor I

Hi stanish,


sorry for my late answer! Many thanks for your information! I've used the second possibility and it works fine!

Many thanks again! Best regards,



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