processor expert, the mc9s08dz128mll and an 8bit 2x16 LCD

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processor expert, the mc9s08dz128mll and an 8bit 2x16 LCD

1,463 次查看
Contributor III



this is the first time i use the freescale technology and i'm having a couple of problems getting used to the processor expert


right now i', trying to connect a NHD‐0216K1Z‐FL‐YBW LCD to it. i attach the datasheets. i checked out the components library for 8bit 2x16 LCD but theres nothing about it, so i have to make the code myself.


it really confuses me the amount of files the pe has generated for it so far


i selected port K for my databus and pe created



where Byte1.h has methods for the byte and bit direct manipulation

and Byte1.c has a lot of stuff i dont quite get. well i do know what they are (more or less): methods for the byte and bit masked manipulation. but i dont understand what to do with such a file. the includes are for .h, so if i ever wanted to use the other methods how would i do that? what are the .c files for?


then i used port H for the extra signals and again i got



same problem



this files contributed to my headache also while trying to write the code for the LCD


lets see for example

sendCommand(cmd) //method in LCD.h that i made

it calls for

Byte1_PutVal(cmd) //method in Byte1.h that processor expert made

which calls for

setReg8(PTKD, Val) //stuff in the library? dunno who made that...


those kind of names, Byte1_PutVal(cmd), are completely meaningless to me. if i were using all available ports





what the hell am i doing??

that kind of code is unreadable.  aint' there a way to change such generic names for something like









or better yet





and such?


this problem, with the bits is a bigger nightmare

i have 20 files named from Bit1 to Bit20

each time i want to set or cleat a bit pin i have to go through all the files to check which one is the one i need, because neither the file name nor the method name say anything about the ports they mess around with


another problem

the initLCD() routine i made needs a busy wait of some ms

what would be the best way to implement this?


at first i thought about a flag4ms: i'd clear the flag and do a while(!flag4ms); waiting for the flag to be turmed on inside a timer interrupt (never do this on multithread system), but the isr is in one file and the initLCD is in another: how do i make flag4ms global?


or what better way is there to make the busy wait?

i'd count uint i; for (i=0; i<65535;i++) but

i don't think thats valid

i don't know how much time would that be, but i'm working at 16MHz so i dont think its enough


if i could make flag4ms global i could use the same interrupt to debounce buttons and other stuff



please help

i'm really confused





but everything

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4 回复数

1,012 次查看
Specialist III


I have attached some LCD driver code that you may wish to consider, instead of using PE for the display interface.  The code actually uses 4-bit mode, which means that the interface can be accomplished using 7 bits of a single GPIO port.  The required delays are achieved using simple "calibrated" loops that can take into account the bus frequency used (see LCD.h file).



0 项奖励

1,012 次查看
Contributor III


still can't make the LCD work...

about this lines in the code you sent me

// This function for delays of up to 3000 cycles

// Delay formula: (12 * n + 30) cycles

static void delay( byte n)


   for ( ; n; n--);


please explain me what are the 12 and the 30 you use

btw i'm using a 16MHz mode


0 项奖励

1,012 次查看
Contributor III


i'm still cant make the lcd work

when i'm running the debug everything seems to work

but when i run the program on the chip i don't see any signals being sent to the lcd

is there some special way to wire either?

this is my code...


/* Including needed modules to compile this module/procedure */

#include "Cpu.h"

#include "Events.h"


#include "LCDBus.h"

//PTD.6:7 - LCD.RS:ES

#include "LCDControlLines.h"

//PTL.5 - ALV

#include "ALV.h"

/* User includes (#include below this line is not maintained by Processor Expert) */

#include "LCD.h"

/* Global variables*/

void main(void)


  /* Write your local variable definition here */

  char blaf[]= "hello world";

  /*** Processor Expert internal initialization. DON'T REMOVE THIS CODE!!! ***/


  /*** End of Processor Expert internal initialization.                    ***/

  /* Write your code here */

  /* For example: for(;;) { } */




  /*** Don't write any code pass this line, or it will be deleted during code generation. ***/

  /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T MODIFY THIS CODE!!! ***/


  /*** Processor Expert end of main routine. DON'T WRITE CODE BELOW!!! ***/

} /*** End of main routine. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TEXT!!! ***/


void waitu(word n)


  word x;

  ALV_PutVal(FALSE); //this is just to catch on the oscilloscope how many times i enter this routine. alv is normally high

  for (x=n ; x >0 ; x--);

  for (x=n ; x >0 ; x--);

  for (x=n ; x >0 ; x--);

  for (x=n ; x >0 ; x--);



void sendCommand(char a)


  LCDBus_PutVal(a); //put data on output Port

  LCDControlLines_PutVal(0); // RS=LOW : send instruction

  //R/W=LOW : Write by default

  LCDControlLines_PutVal(1); // E = 1: enable LCD;

  waitu(0x0001); //enable pulse width >= 300ns

  LCDControlLines_PutVal(0); // E = 0; Clock enable: falling edge


void sendCharacter(char a)


  LCDBus_PutVal(a); //put data on output Port

  LCDControlLines_PutVal(2); // RS=high : send data

  //R/W=LOW : Write by default

  LCDControlLines_PutVal(3); // E = 1: enable LCD;

  waitu(0x0001); //enable pulse width >= 300ns

  LCDControlLines_PutVal(2); // E = 0; Clock enable: falling edge


void initLCD()


  LCDControlLines_PutVal(0); // E = 0; Clock enable: falling edge

  waitu(0x1000); //48ms //Wait 20 msec after power is applied

  sendCommand(0x30); //command 0x30 = Wake up

  waitu(0x0110); //must wait 5ms, busy flag not available

  sendCommand(0x30); //command 0x30 = Wake up #2

  waitu(0x0010); //must wait 160us, busy flag not available

  sendCommand(0x30); //command 0x30 = Wake up #3

  waitu(0x0010); //must wait 160us, busy flag not available

  sendCommand(0x38); //Function set: 8-bit/2-line

  sendCommand(0x10); //Set cursor

  sendCommand(0x0c); //Display ON; Cursor ON

  sendCommand(0x06); //Entry mode set


it just ocurred to me... the processor expert turns on the watchdog by default?

0 项奖励

1,012 次查看
Contributor V


if you switch to advanced or expert mode in the component inspector, you can change the component name.

You can look here for some good information on using Processor Expert MCU on Eclipse | Everything on CodeWarrior, Microcontrollers and Eclipse

You will find a link to the PE Components for Erich Styger to. There is a wait component that you can use for your Busy wait.
