Newbie want to programme some chips

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Newbie want to programme some chips

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Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:07 am    
Hi Everyone! First excuse my English please. My wish is simple, I have a asm code writed for MC68HC908QY4 and a chip (sure it's a MC68HC908QY4). I want to write the code to the chips "program memory" and remove chip from programmer and then use in project. (link: I'm still using 80c52 like chips for my amateur projects but I know the HC08 family is better than my 8052's... I have take a look to the TBDML documentation but I guess (it seems like...) it's using for testing, developing etc. but can't write a code to chip for use the chip in other pcb. (I can't be sure). Questions are: 1. Which utility I can use for compile .asm to .hex. (asm is my code; hex is the code for write down to chip I mean). 2. Which utility I can use for send the hex code to chip via COM port. 3. At least which hardware is I can use between COM port and MC68HC908QY4. My answers for 8052: 1. UVI51, Rigel51, SDDC etc. 2. All versions fo EzDL (is simple program have a interface is browse hex file / Select poer (com1 com2) and "Send" button) 3. I have a board from my friend, if anyone interest I can send it's schematic and PCB but I don't know it's name :smileyhappy: The important point is, I want to build this programmer with my own hands :smileyhappy: I hope that; I tell complately, what I need. If anything is not clear to understand, please forgive me. It's all of my poor English. Thanks for help or just read.
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:24 am    
Hmm, I'm running CodeWarrior and lookup tutorial. They say, we can use this program develop, debug etc. and as Stand Alone Flash Programmer. Just click Tools > Flash Programmer. But my CodeWarrior have not a tool section Question In this article [] "friul" given answers all of my questions. But where is the schematic and\or circuit desing?
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:38 am    
 think the document you are looking for is
AN2317/D - Low-Cost Programming and Debugging Options for MC68HC08 MCUs

This document describes the Low-Cost hardware for programming and the programming software PROG08SZ which is invoked by CodeWarrior. The steps to program the FLASH using CodeWarrior is described in

AN2322/D - Reprogramming the M68DEMO908QT4

Please refer the section "Reprogram the User Monitor"
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:53 am  
I do not know how can I thank you dude! I can't belive how I miss that manuals. Thank you again Smile
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:52 pm 
Yep, I have download of them. pkg08sz_install.exe pkg08sz_interactive_install.exe CodeWarrior In the manual, a sample code (I'm trying to work on it) about a NiCd battery charger. With this rows; include include I have searched to this file and returns; MC08HC908QY4.h When I tried to use instead of this file CodeWarrior Compilers (or pkg's) it was return some errors. I want to ask, which manual file I should read. Also ask, this true forum for this question? I guess this problem is about header files, but my code is written in ASM and i do not know how to add headers inside a asm code. I have tried all of code (gather from pdf document) inside asm, but it also does not work. Now I am confused. I want to use CodeWarrior and pkg08 to compile and download my asm code on MC08 chip. Please tell me, where I should start to learning?
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 2:06 am 
I cannot find out any problems because I cannot find where did you get the sample code. Please let me know the location where the sample code is publised. I suppose that the name of the include file is
Code:       ^
and the file is included in the CodeWarrior for HC08 Special Edition.
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:55 am    
The application note's adress is: I guess, there is no problem in source code which published by freescale. But I cannot download the CodeWarrior for 68HC08 Release 2.1 Special Edition because I cannot find the software where it is. In the download section of CodeWarrior, many many software available I see. I have downloaded:
CW08_V3_1_JW32_SP.exe 6.254 Kb CW08_V3_1_LB8_SP.exe 6.992 Kb CW08_V3_1_PE_BW.exe 10.591 Kb OSEKTURBO_OSDSP_2_2RP 14.096 Kb CW08_V3_1_P&E_USB2_SP.exe 30.734 Kb CW08_V3_1_FSICEBASE_SP3.exe 39.871 Kb CW08_V3_1_PE_V2_96_SP.exe 140.205 Kb CW08_V3_1_Web.exe 166.550 Kb
In a tutuorial[1], they say, "You must have CodeWarrior for 68HC08 Release 2.1 Special Edition installed on your computer." I'm looking for it, but there is no Special Edition I can find. If I'm not wrong, the Special Edition is a freeware with some limitations and it enough to my little projects. All I want to Assemble the code to download it to MC68HC908QY4. I have to do that as soon as possible Sad Please let me know, where I can download the Special Edition of CodeWarrior. Thank you. [1] : Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:51 pm    

I did follow the tutorial with my CodeWarrior V3.1 and found following differences from the V2.1

3 Creating the project Select "HC(S)08 New Project WIzard" instead of "HC08 Stationery" Select "MC68HC908QT4" then click "Next" Check "C" only then click "Next" Select "Yes" for "Processor Expert" then click "Next" Select "No" for "PC-lint" then click "Next" Select "ANSI startup code" then click "Next" Select "None" for "floating point" then click "Next" Select "Tiny" for "memory model" then click "Next" Check "P&E full chip simulation" and "P&E hardware debugging" then click "Finish" 3.2 "Project Panel" window is visible when the "Processor Exprert" tab is selected at the "Project Manager" window 3.4 "Project Manager" window Click down-arrow and select "P&E FCS" 4.1 Creating the A/D bean User "ADC" instead of "ADCfast" because "ADCfast" is depreceated. "34us" is not accepted. Enter "21us" instead. Select menu "Items Visibility" -> "Expert view" to find the "Low Speed" and "SLow Speed" properties. 8.2 Entering the application code Put the code surrounded by the curly brackets following "main(void)" below the comment line described as "Write your code here"
I hope this helps you.

Message Edited by Alban on 01-26-2006 12:12 PM

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