I am not clear on the MCU you are using. Is it the 9S08GB60?
You will need to consider the current draw of other devices on your board - some of the unused devices may be consuming power.
The on-board voltage regulator may not have low quiescent current.
Are there instances where pull-up resistors external to the MCU, and associated with jumpers or selector switches, are drawing current.
At risk of stating the obvious, does the board have any LEDs that are operating?
The device used to interface RS232 levels may not be of the low power type. If there are two serial ports, the interface associated with the unused port may be drawing current.
Any output line for the serial port will need to supply current back to the PC. Unplug the serial cable, and see if the current reduces.
These are a few of the areas that would need to be checked and quantified before you could conclude that the problem was with the MCU.